French Lessons/Debt Pedlars: Crash courses in French for businessmen; Getting into debt through credit cards - nd [1975-1986]

French Lessons/Debt Pedlars: Crash courses in French for businessmen; Getting into debt through credit cards - nd [1975-1986]
FRENCH LESSONS/DEBT PEDLARS [Series RADIO VICTORY ARCHIVE] A Capital Radio programme transmitted on Radio Victory with interviews about: 1- Crash courses in French for businessmen; and 2- Getting into debt through credit cards. Presented by Mark Jordan. TRACK 1- 60 percent British exports are with W Europe. MARK JORDAN joins a group of businessmen on a crash course in French. PETER WAYNE of C.B.I. quotes case of 12 foreign firms quoting for French order - only Britain did not put quote in French - therefore were not considered. Necessity of speaking foreign languages is being recognised. Many businessmen are now demanding crash courses in languages. Linkworld Languages - DR ALAN BEETON, has run successful courses - can provide 2-400 word vocabulary in 3 days covering basics from travelling to eating out. Description of techniques used to make learning more effective - eg mental images of words. 3 days crash course cost 220 pounds. Regional Director of C.B.I. says crash courses are not the answer - language should be taught sufficiently in schools, but participants in crash course felt they had benefitted in terms of confidence and useful French for ordering meals. Out... The Debt Collectors... TRACK 2- Feature looks at those not considered to be credit worthy and become prey of debt collectors. Borrowing a major feature of modern life, even government major borrowers. Modern advertising encourages borrowing. People borrow beyond their means. MR and MRS JOSEPH of Brent owe over 7 thousand pounds. JANE ADAMS, National Westminster Bank manager, says own advertising campaign for Access encourages people to spend first, pay later. Access takes the waiting out of wanting. MR and MRS JOSEPH borrowed on Barclaycard. GWYN DAVIS - financial counsellor C.A.B. describes what happens when credit limit exceeded, credit limit should not be increased. MR and MRS JOSEPH borrowed money from loan company. JANE ADAMS says that if bank refuses to lend money, another bank will, but still bases decision on whether thinks person able to repay. NEIL KENNEDY director of Dorland Advertising talks about constraints on advertising of credit cards, says credit cards can be used in beneficial way. Redundancy and unemployment has brought people into debt who had formerly handled money competently. Debt leads to depression - feelings of guilt and even suicide. GWYN DAVIS - says people on small budget vulnerable when extra bills arrive, may be prey to less creditable credit houses, eg case of Mrs Bailey - end up paying higher interest and increasing loan. Money lenders preying on more vulnerable and intimidate them. Any person not registered with Office of Fair Trading is acting illegally if they loan money. MARK JORDAN tries to interview MR JAMESON the moneylender who involved Mrs ailey in debt. Loans with illegal moneylender not legally enforcable - therefore illegal moneylenders resort to harrassment. Out...cost nuffink do it? [Box 7]
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Tape box has Decision Makers standby, and this seems to be a networked programme. The presenter describes himself as being from Capital Radio. There is a Decision Makers programme in the Radio 210 collection.
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Gauge:- 1/8 inch tape
Production company
Radio Victory
1 tape


Mark Jordan
Peter Wayne; Alan Beeton; Jane Adams; Gwyn Davis; Neil Kennedy

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