Morning Call Archive No.11: Two major items: Home Front Exhibition; Linda Scotson on her brain-damaged son - nd [1985]

Morning Call Archive No.11: Two major items: Home Front Exhibition; Linda Scotson on her brain-damaged son - nd [1985]
Morning Call Archive No.11: Two major items from Radio Victory’s Morning Call series, compiled as an archive reel by the station. TRACK 1- HOME FRONT EXHIBITION in D-Day Museum. Exhibition designed to show contribution of people of Portsmouth to war effort [WWII] eg use of food resources. Portsmouth very heavily bombed, now replaced by modern blocks of housing and offices. INTERVIEWS with: 1- woman who knew Portsmouth during war. This interview also repeated on next sequence; 2- V1 bombing [Flying Bomb] Exhibition includes Anderson Shelters [6 x 4 inches] - most people had one, damp and uncomfortable. INTERVIEW - description of Anderson Shelter and what it was like to live in one. Germans bombed at night to demoralise population. People put on best face during hardships of war. Edward King, commissioned by City to paint scenes of devastation, would keep painting during devastation. Have tried to give children impression of war. INTERVIEW - food shortages and how people coped. Shortages became a way of life. Exhibition includes set pieces eg cornershops between photographs and other exhibits - Reconstructed from photos and peoples memories. Exhibition has been put up in time for VE Day celebrations. TRACK 2- LINDA SCOTSON In - Coming up to twenty past ten ... DORAN SCOTSON brain damaged when born in 1978. Linda Scotson describes reasons for brain damage, blood mis-match. Realised that child was brain damaged soon after birth, normal intelligence but motor functions damaged. Thought that stimulation of uninjured portions of brain might restore some of functions. Read book by Glen Doman, Director of Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential in America. In - From ... Linda Scotson has written book Doran - Child of Courage. Describes how she educated Doran’s undamaged portion of brain, used parallel of well baby, put baby on floor to let it try to crawl. Had succession of people to pattern his movements so learnt to crawl. Also patterned him to breathe more deeply, get more oxygen to brain. Had to keep atmosphere joyful. In - Howard Jones and ... Advert Radio Victory jingle School going well for Doran, above reading age [now 6 years old]. Eyesight improved. Still has speech problem. Very tough. Medical profession tend to be conservative, brain damage considered irreversible, but now research suggests undamaged areas of brain can be brought into use. Easier to programme a baby, but can be done with older people [eg accident victims]. Never too late to start - something can be done with older children. [Box 6]
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Tape box has 1985. Track 2 includes music, etc.
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Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
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Radio Victory
1 tape


Linda Scotson

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