Morning Call Archive No.9: A selection of interviews: looking after elderly parents; Tony Hicks and Bobby Elliott [The Hollies]; Kenneth Williams; Theresa Larsen Crenshaw - nd [1984]

Morning Call Archive No.9: A selection of interviews: looking after elderly parents; Tony Hicks and Bobby Elliott [The Hollies]; Kenneth Williams; Theresa Larsen Crenshaw - nd [1984]
Morning all Archive No.9: A selection of interviews from Radio Victory’s Morning Call series, compiled as an archive reel by the station. TRACK 1-3 DR VALERIE BARDEN, psychologist and Mae TRACK 1- In - Discussion about how looking up elderly parent can change the carer. Mae is interviewed, documents her change from dynamic working woman in charge of her own life, used to coping with difficult situations and frustrations. TRACK 2- Two guests: Mae is now a changed person. Life is depressing and frustrating causing violent bouts of temper. No longer in charge of own life. Frustration caused being continually on call - this inhibits all courses of action. Friendships difficult. Feels guilty if leaves mother on own. TRACK 3- In - With me at the moment ... Valerie Barden. This is common problem, the carer is often the person who feels most guilty. Most people in Mae’s position feel anger and resentment. Mae finds relief in talking to people not similarly involved. Valerie Barden, relationships outside home essential. Mae, caring for relative should be two way thing. TRACK 4-5 [THE HOLLIES] - TONY HICKS and BOBBY ELLIOTT. TRACK 4- In: Oh yes, one of the first .... TH and BE describe how they joined the Hollies. No rivalry between Liverpool and Manchester bands. Hollies known as Manchester Beatles Music Just one Look [recorded in 1963 and 1983]. Still perform old songs on stage. More experimental songs not so successful. Two years ago reissued original soundtracks of old hits. New album What goes around, joined by Graham Nash who had left group 10- 12 years before when stopped doing experimental songs. TRACK 5- Stop in the name of love, on new album. Do live shows over 5-6 months of year, tour in Australia, USA, Europe and Britain. Group get on socially. Give opinion on present day music. Would like another big hit for group. TRACKS 6-8 KENNETH WILLIAMS. TRACK 6- KW thinks people who go to Savoy not very different underneath from those going to boarding houses. Did not become rich from Carry On films. Went for comic roles in review after playing serious roles. TRACK 7- KW was a happy child, did not do well at school except drawing. Apprenticed as map maker, then went in survey section of Royal Engineers, then into army entertainment. Was persuaded by Stanley Baxter to go into acting after war, to do something he enjoyed. TRACK 8- Talks about quiz game he takes part in especially Just a Minute, and peoples impersonations of him. Likes radio because creates imaginary mental image. TRACKS 9-11 DR THERESA LARSON CRENSHAW, author of Your Guide to Better Sex. TRACK 9- Is successful hardback book in USA. 500,000 copies in first two months of publication. Book is directed to people who do not necessarily have sexual problems and have been together for a long time. Sex goes wrong when it becomes too complicated by other factors. TRACK 10- Book covers advice on physical and emotional sides of sex. The more involved the relationship the harder it is to express feelings about it. I language is a way to express feelings, not accusing you, but what I can do about it. Spontaneous sex not always successful, need to plan time for it. TRACK 11- Unsuccessful sex life does not necessarily have to lead to split. Have to make conscious effort to make positive advance to partner. Sex drive not necessarily drop with age. Older people often have more leisure time. Discusses consummation before marriage - advantages and disadvantages. [Box 6]
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Tracks 6-8 left channel only. Track 9 first 3 mins left only in error.
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Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
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Radio Victory
1 tape


Tony Hicks; Bobby Elliott; The Hollies; Kenneth Williams; Theresa Larsen Crenshaw

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