Morning Call Archive No.10: A selection of interviews: Bill Oddie; Tim Roth; Gayle Hunnicut; David Bellamy; Nicholas Coleridge - nd [1984]

Morning Call Archive No.10: A selection of interviews: Bill Oddie; Tim Roth; Gayle Hunnicut; David Bellamy; Nicholas Coleridge - nd [1984]
Morning Call Archive No.10: A selection of interviews from Radio Victory’s Morning Call series, compiled as an archive reel by the station. TRACKS 1 AND 2: BILL ODDIE on birdwatching. TRACK 1- At Wildfowl Reserve at Arundel. Bill Oddie is to judge a poster competition and present prizes. Bill Oddie is a keen ornithologist. Says more and more children and people are taking up bird watching through organised groups, used to be regarded as odd occupation. Explains what is a twitcher - person obsessed with seeing rare birds, willing to travel great distances to do so. Has written about them in his Little Black Book. Press try to sensationalise activities of twitchers. TRACK 2- My guest at the moment... has written a new book The Toilet Book, which explains what can be done to use time properly while on toilet. Does not want to leave entertainment world, would like to spend half year on entertainment, half year on conservation. TRACKS 3-5 TIM ROTH, actor. TRACK 3-He is in a new film The Hit starring John Hurt. He describes plot. First film he has made. This film has been shot for cinema not TV. Previous roles have not typecast him. TRACK 4- That is Bronski Beat. Discuss which actors could replace James Mason and Richard Burton. Many British actors go to America. Admires John Hurt, hardworking, has sense of humour. TRACK 5- Continuation... Describes how he came into acting. Left Art School for acting. Quick rise as actor, some envy from other young actors. Would be tempted to America only by good scripts and actors. TRACKS 6-8 GAYLE HUNNICUTT, actress. TRACK 6- She has written a book: Health and Beauty in Motherhood, how to look after self during pregnancy. Thinks superwoman image dangerous, thinks women should also be proud of being housewife. Regards role of wife and mother as important as being out at work. Nutrition important to give energy. TRACK 7- My guest talks about life as a child, her parents. She believes in talking about life to her children to prepare them for adulthood. TRACK 8- Gayle Hunnicut believes in listening to the radio, likes to hear about other peoples lives. Her book suggests ways of doing things quickly but making it look as though a lot of time has been spent on it, also economical ways of achieving eg beauty care. TRACKS 9-10 DAVID BELLAMY. TRACK 9- Visiting Fareham to give lecture and launch book about wild flowers of Buckingham Palace gardens. Has written text to illustrations by Margery Lyon. Being published by David and Charles. Buckingham Palace not designed by great designer, has evolved. Has good collection of roses, rhododendrons, camelias, large herbaceous borders. Weeds are in garden by accident. He believes in balance between wild and cultivated flowers. TRACK 10- David, undoubtedly... describes how he became know as conservationist. Believes a few dedicated conservationists can help change peoples attitudes and improve conservation throughout world. Would not want to leave Britain. Believes that world could not support totally vegetarian diet, but wants factory farming stopped. Talks about how he relaxes. TRACKS 11-13 [15ips] NICHOLAS COLERIDGE. TRACK 11- When he was a boy... went on a trip round world, died it in 78 days, took very little luggage. Followed rout of Round the World in 80 days. Used only means of transport available in C19. TRACK 12- In: With me at the moment... General opinion he would not complete trip in 80 days. Trip cost over five thousand pounds. Needed a lot of planning, trains and timetables. Tried to eat only food to avoid illness. Wrote book on his journey, eg on sea crossings. TRACK 13- Nicholas Coleridge met many people on journey. Finished journey with 31 hous to spare. Looking forward to plane journey. [Box 6]
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Tape box has 1984. Tracks 1 and 2 left channel only. Tracks 9 and 10 left channel only. Tracks 11-13 higher tape speed - better quality; Track 11- first 45 secs left only in error.
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Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
Production company
Radio Victory
1 tape


Tim Roth; Gayle Hunnicutt; David Bellamy; Nicholas Coleridge; Bill Oddie

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