Morning Call Archive No.2: A selection of interviews: Anthony Godwin; Britt Ekland; Nerys Dee; Paul Dunning - nd [1984]
- Title
- Morning Call Archive No.2: A selection of interviews: Anthony Godwin; Britt Ekland; Nerys Dee; Paul Dunning - nd [1984]
- Description
- Morning Call Archive No.2: A selection of interviews from Radio Victory’s Morning Call series, compiled as an archive reel by the station. TRACK 1- ANTHONY GODWIN, director of Palm Court Theatre Orchestra. Dresses in Edwardian clothes for performances. Orchestra started in 1978. Orchestra started because of 5000 music scores of ragtime and dance band music left by father who was himself a musician. Started orchestra with colleagues from Bournemouth SO. When Palm Court Orchestras were in fashion they played all types of music. TRACK 2- ANTHONY GODWIN interview continued. Description of performances. Has played in many places. Originally intended to perform only in theatres, but has since performed elsewhere eg Waldorf Hotel, for the Orient Express. TRACK 3- ANTHONY GODWIN interview continued. Description of invitation to perform at expensive hotel in Paris. Audience participation essential part of the show. TRACK 4-Interview with BRITT EKLAND. He believes life begins at 40, at that age has achieved maturity. Does not think she has been badly treated by men. Has written book: Sensual Beauty. She is not striving for immortality in her book. Does not believe in after life. TRACK 5- BRITT EKLAND continued. Has achieved slim body through dieting. Believes slim body benefits all aspects of life, people eat too much food. Need self-control not to eat too much. Describes what she has for breakfast. BAND 6- BRITT EKLAND continued. Talks about her preference for younger men, probably because their energy level matches hers. She thinks very highly of herself, not in narcissustic way, proud to be a woman. proud to be 41, proud of her achievements, gives her confidence and inner peace. Believes she works better as an actress now. Wants to use her experiences when gives up acting. TRACK 7- Interview with NERYS DEE. Nerys Dee is an expert on dreams and has written book called: Your Dreams and what they mean. Discussion about what a dream is and whether it is psychic or physical. Dreams may suggest a form of healing. TRACK 8- NERYS DEE continued. Best person to interpret dream is the dreamer. Interprets dream of a Radio Victory listener. TRACK 9- NERYS DEE continued. If want to remember dreams must write them down on waking. Interprets other listeners dreams. Dreams can be prophetic or warnings. TRACK 10- PAUL DUNNING, showjumper. On location at Durley at Paul Dunning’s farm. Paul Dunning describes how he became a competitive showjumper. Works as blacksmith to help finances. Rides at county and local shows. Is a very competitive sport. Trains the horses, needs level headed horse for jumping -describes how horses are trained for jumping and how to choose a horse suitable for jumping. TRACK 11- PAUL DUNNING continued. Recollections of outstanding event at Guildford. Has completed successfully in Guernsey and Jersey. Describes preparations for going to a show. TRACK 12- PAUL DUNNING continued. Gives advice to anyone wanting to start show jumping. Need good horse but are very expensive 30-40 thousand pounds] and really need several horses. All riders have something to learn. Wants to be in top 20 riders. [Box 6]
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- Notes
- Tracks 4-6 left channel only.
- Misc. notes
- Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
- Production company
- Radio Victory
- Extent
- 1 tape
- Interviewees
- Anthony Godwin; Britt Ekland; Nerys Dee; Paul Dunning
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 1807 times.