Village Life: Tadley

Village Life: Tadley
Transmission details
16 Mar 1986
Mike Matthews in association with Vincent’s BMW, this week visits the village life of Tadley, in Hampshire. One single track with 8 interviews: 1- Matthews meets a man who manufactures brooms, to sweep up leaves and grass. He shows Mike how to do it and talks about his life and his business. 2- Outside the village, is an industrial estate, and there we find Richard Paul, a manager director of Intercepta, an high technology company in communication. He is only 20 years-old and talks about his life, his aspirations and satellite TV. One of his companies is Data Duplication, which copies audiocassettes. 3- Home of Derek, a collector of old photographs. He is making a photo record of village families and village history. 4- David Hills, a general manager of Water Industry Training Association. It is located at Tadley Court built in 1913. He explains what he does and says that people come from abroad to learn how to develop and improve water systems. 5- In the middle of the village, we find the home of Roger. He knows a great deal about village history, which goes back to Roman times with the first settlements. 6- Visit to a countryman with an enthusiasm for hunting. 7- On the edge of the village, we find the Cinema Royal, and Matthews talks with the owner, Alan. He runs this unusual private cinema, and he talks about his business as an entertainment for families in the village and neighbourhood. It has a friendly athmosphere. 8- The last interview is with Jimmy Williams, a Fairground show man. He travels around the country in a caravan with steam engines. He talks about his job, his shows and his life. [Box 4]
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Includes music. Music at 7-8 mins; 12-13 mins; 17-18 mins; 22-23 mins; 30-32 mins; 38-39 mins; 42-44 mins; 52 mins to end.
Misc. notes
Single Track; Speed:- 7.5ips
Production company
Radio 210
Technical information
1 tape


Series Producer
Mike Matthews
Mike Matthews

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