Matthews People: Rolf Harris [Part 2]

Matthews People: Rolf Harris [Part 2]
Transmission details
31 Mar 1985 at 15:00
Mike Matthews talks to Rolf Harris, born March 30, 1930. Part II of the programme. He is an Australian musician, composer, painter and television host. He moved to England in 1956 when he was 22-years-old to study Art as a student at City and Guilds Arts School, South London, notably illustrating Robert Harbin’s Paper Magic. He talks about his life and his career. At the beginning he did not know exactly what to do. He graduated in Education as a Teacher, but it was not really what he liked to do. After this, he decided to do the things he liked best drawing and painting, ending up with a career, making shows on television. When he does the big paintings on television, he generally gives them to schools to raise money for charities. Part I of this programme, see AV769/74/S1. [Box 4]
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Includes music. Track 1- Music at approx 6-8 mins; 14 mins to end; 4-6 mins; 11 mins to end; Track 3- personal memory, 7 mins to end.
Misc. notes
Speed: 7.5ips
Production company
Radio 210
Technical information
1 tape


Mike Matthews
Series Producer
Stephen Stewart
Rolf Harris

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This record has been viewed 543 times.