Programme trailer; Guitar Festival Interview; Focus: Sopley

Programme trailer; Guitar Festival Interview; Focus: Sopley
Transmission details
3 Oct 1982 at 18:00
Track 1: Programme trailer with introduction by Debbie Fisher as a speaker. Track 2: The Guitar Festival Interview. Track 3 and 4: The Sopley Reception Accomodation. Interview with E. W. J. Donald, responsible for the centre. He talks to Sue Denny about the closing down of this center. The Sopley Accomodation was a centre for Vietnamese Refugees. Started in 1979 and closed at the end of September 1982, it was open for three years and 4 months. 2.855 refugees used the centre. The objective was to give them everything they needed with emphasis on Education and trying to settle them in this country or in the United States or back to Vietnam. [Box 1 - Sean Street Collection]
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Tracks 1 and 2 seem to be overwrites. Track 3 starts in the middle of interview. Tape had to be treated for sticky syndrome.
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1 tape


E W J Donald
Sue Denny; Debbie Fisher

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