British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Strife (BBC, 1988)

    Strife by John Galsworthy (1867-1933)
    BBC2 (Theatre Night)
    Michael Darlow

    1988 BBC production of Strife by John Galsworthy.

  2. One Wild Oat (BBC, 1972)

    One Wild Oat by Vernon Sylvaine
    BBC1 (Six of Rix)
    Wallace Douglas

    1972 BBC outside broadcast of the farce One Wild Oat by Vernon Sylvaine, recorded at the Grand Theatre, Leeds.

  3. Julius Caesar, Part 3 (BBC, 1960)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC production for schools of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, presented in four parts. This production was set in modern dress, and in modern times.