British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Hotel Paradiso (BBC, 1962)

    Hotel Paradiso by Georges Feydeau (1862-1921) and Maurice Desvallieres
    BBC Television
    Rosemary Hill

    1962 BBC production of the farce Hotel Paradiso by Georges Feydeau and Maurice Desvallieres.

  2. Farewell Farewell, Eugene [scene] (BBC, 1959)

    Farewell, Farewell, Eugene by John Vari
    BBC Television
    William Chappell

    1959 BBC presentation of a scene from the comedy Farewell, Farewell, Eugene by John Vari, presented from the Garrick Theatre, London, by arrangement with H. M. Tennent Ltd and Ronald Rawson. Rodney Ackland...

  3. Sounding Brass (BBC, 1957)

    Sounding Brass by Leslie Burgess
    BBC Television (Sunday-Night Theatre)
    Andrew Osborn

    1957 BBC production of Leslie Burgess’ Sounding Brass. Four years earlier Andrew Osborn had first produced the play for the BBC, again with Edward Chapman in the lead role.