Moving Image Knowledge and Access: The BUFVC Handbook, Fourth Edition

If you are a lecturer, researcher, information manager, producer, service provider, or anyone who uses audio-visual media in higher education and research, this is the handbook for you.
The handbook’s directory provides up-to-date and need-to-know information on audio-visual media throughout the UK higher education sector, including archives, awards, blogs, broadcasters, courses and training, discussion lists, distributors, festivals, media legislation and reports since 2001, organisations in the UK and overseas, podcasting, university audio-visual centres, and web sites.
There are also feature articles on sixty years of the BUFVC, the new ERA+ licence for educational institutions using off-air television recordings, the exciting potential of radio archives, using moving images and sound to create more inclusive and accessible learning experiences, and the future for online video in education.
4th edition, edited by Cathy Grant and Luke McKernan
Published December 2007. pbk. 260 pages. ISBN 978 0901299 77 2
Price £19.99 (£15.99 to BUFVC members) plus £2.50 postage and packing within the UK, £6 elsewhere.