Moving Image and Sound, Knowledge and Access: The BUFVC Handbook, Fifth Edition

This book is for students, teachers and information specialists. It offers a snapshot view of the world of audio-visual media for the higher and further education communities. Along with updates on the latest activities of the British Universities Film & Video Council itself, the directory section provides detailed information and guidance on a selection of blogs, discussion lists, courses and websites as well as contact details for other agencies such as the UK Higher Education Academy and the Regional Support Centres. It also offers an account of festivals and awards, information on all the main UK broadcasters, and a selection of distributors handling content that will be of interest to those involved in teaching and learning.In addition we have included a list of all the radio and television broadcasters featured in the Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching (TRILT)as well as a detailed account of the main media legislation and reports issuedby government departments and selected bodies during the last twelve months.


The essays in this edition, these range a forthright analysis of the broadcastingregulator Ofcom in the light of its decision over Channel 4’s controversialdocumentary, THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE; a passionate defence of the needto establish an audio-visual equivalent for legal deposit that already existsfor print publications in the UK; and a look at some of the ways in which availablemoving image and sound content can be employed best in learning and research.This fifth edition of the BUFVC Handbook includes a summary of information onthe Council’s funding and core activities, promoting the use of movingimage and sound, in their increasingly varied and complex forms, for learningand research.

5th edition, edited by Cathy Grant with Sergio Angelini and Marianne Open

Published December 2008. pbk. 257 pages. ISBN 978 0901299 80 2
Price £19.99 (£15.99 to BUFVC members) plus £2.50 postage and packing within the UK, £6 elsewhere.