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  1. The Video Essay Podcast Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies, Media Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Hosted by Will DiGravio, a video essay maker and critic, this podcast features conversations with leading critics, filmmakers, scholars, and other creators about the impact of video essays on moving image and media studies. There are four episodes so far, with guests Catherine Grant, Philip BruBaker, Grace Lee and Jacob Swinney; each podcast includes links to some of their video essays.

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  2. Girls on Film Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies, Media Studies, Women’s Studies
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Launched in 2018 by film critic Anna Smith, this popular podcast features female film critics, commentators or activists reviewing new releases and dissecting classic films from a female perspective. Guest interviewees have included Carey Mulligan, Amma Asante, Kathryn Hahn, Brie Larson and Maxine Peake.

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  3. CIRCUIT Artist Film and Video Aotearoa Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies, Media Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Databases, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Founded in 2012, this arts agency supports and represents moving image practice in New Zelaland. The online resource streams over 700 videos by some 100 New Zealand artists. The collection is searchable by artist, title, year and keyword. Extensive clips of the works are available online for research and study purposes. The site also presents a fortnightly podcast hosted by Mark Amery, who is joined by local guest curators, writers and artists to dissect recent exhibitions and events in the world of local and international moving image. The podcast was launched in 2013, and the archive now contains over 80 programmes of approximately 30 minutes each. A recent addition to their podcast collection is an interview with Scottish filmmaker Luke Fowler on which he talks about his filmed portraits of experimental musicians, the revolutionary potential of the past and the responsibility of the spectator.

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  4. MERZBANK Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Design, Film Studies, Literature, Media Studies, Photography
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource

    A repository of artists’ online works that draw their inspiration from Kurt Schwitters. Guided by his innovations in visual arts, spoken word, typography and poetry, the project anticipates how Schwitters’ spirit might have flourished in the online world, while highlighting the debt that new forms of digital collage owe to Schwitters’ formative example. Funded by Film and Video Umbrella, the site includes newly commissioned works by Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson, Ian Forsyth and Jane Pollard, Alec Finlay, and George Barber. Their works reflect the many different facets of Schwitters’ aesthetic while exploring today’s ever expanding outlets for combining and communicating images, texts and sounds. Whether using content-sharing platforms such as Pinterest as places to find and assemble material, or experimenting with other forms of digital dissemination such as downloads and applications, the pieces demonstrate how Schwitters’ practice continues to reverberate in the present.

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  5. Journalism Matters Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Media Studies, Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Fortnightly podcast from Press Gazette covering news from the worlds of newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and online. In each episode a leading journalist or figure from UK journalism provides an insider take on the industry’s latest launches, closures, moves, legislation and technological advances affecting journalists. Guests include editors from amongst others: Hello Magazine, Sky News, Huffpost UK, The New European, Computer Weekly, The New York Times, and Empire Film magazine.

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  6. Barbican Centre Podcasts and Videos Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Design, Drama, Film Studies, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Photography
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Organisations, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Known for pushing the boundaries of theatre, dance, film, music and visual art, the Barbican’s podcasts and videos showcase specially commissioned interviews, lectures, exclusive trailers, performance footage, short films and concert recordings. New videos are added each Friday.

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  7. You Must Remember This Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies, Media Studies
    Type of resource
    Lists, Podcasting

    Created in 2014 by film journalist, writer and lecturer, Karina Longworth, this podcast broadcast the results of different research projects about the secret and/or forgotten histories of Hollywood’s first century. There are some 130 episodes so far, each lasting around 30 minutes; personalities portrayed include well-known stars such as Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Katharine Hepburn, Marlon Brando and Kim Novak and lesser known actors such as Frances Farmer, Val Lewton, Kay Francis and Theda Bara. The site can be easily searched via the Archive section and the New Episodes tab. There is also a Film Club which presents the host’s must-see films and other films related to one or more individual episodes of the podcast, and the Book Club or mini-reference library which offers a guide to all the books used to make the programmes.

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  8. The BBC Sound Effects Archive Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Media Studies, Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Lists, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download

    This impressive collection of over 16,000 sound effects is now available to listen, download and use for personal, educational or research purposes. The content is organised by description, category and duration and can be searched by keyword. For example, entering ‘telephones’ returns 121 entries, including American telephones, the Bakelite 200 series from 1930 onwards, mobile phones, answering machines and many more; under the keyword ‘trains’ we can find over 250 sound effects including steam, electric, diesel and high speed trains, Eurostar, train tunnels, train stations, train bridges, etc.

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  9. The Tip Off Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Media Studies, Politics and Government
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    What does it mean to be an investigative journalist today? Which are the tricks of the trade? Do you need to study it or is it all just about instinct and stubbornness? This podcast showcases some of the best UK investigative journalism from recent years. Maeve McClenaghan, from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, is the host and in each episode she takes us to the behind the scenes of an important news story, from the tip off through to the story getting published. There are 11 episodes so far, including Follow the Money, which uncovers the questionable financial practices of one of the Conservative Party’s largest donors, and Back to the Source which reveals how finding a vital source can let you into the world of the Pentagon’s top-secret propaganda machine.

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  10. Sound Matters Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology
    Media Studies, Music, Technology
    Type of resource

    A podcast which explores the ways in which people listen to sounds, and the inventions, discoveries, possibilities and ideas around sound. Written and produced by Tim Hinman, the content is original and thought-provoking. Covering all aspects of sound, from prehistoric musical instruments, recording wildlife sounds, interstellar noise, soundscape ecology, and the links between music and sport, users can subscribe via Soundcloud and iTunes.

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