- Link
- http://www.healthtalk.org
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Organisations, Streaming/Download
Created in 2001 by GP Dr Ann McPherson and Dr Andrew Herxheimer after their own experiences of illness, this vast resource is the fruit of a partnership between a charity called DIPEx and The Health Experiences Research Group at The University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Primary Healthcare. The Learning & Teaching section offers over 25,000 videos of people talking about their experiences of health and social care. The videos are an excellent teaching and training resource for medicine, nursing, social care, allied health professions, sociology and psychology. The content is protected by copyright and is available for reuse to educational and non-profit organisations for an annual fee.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b019dl1b
- Category
- Bio-Medical
- Subject
- Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
BBC series in which Dr Mark Porter, with the help of GP Margaret McCartney,
demystifies health issues by separating fact from fiction and bringing clarity to conflicting health advice. There are over 200 episodes covering just about everything, from the confusion and prejudice around the skin condition vitiligo to social prescribing, where patients are referred to non-clinical services such as looking after an allotment and exercise programme at a local football club. Each episode last 30 minutes and has its own page on the site which includes a transcript and links to related resources. The Podcasts are updated weekly and available indefinitely.
- Link
- https://theconversation.com/uk/podcasts/the-anthill
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- General Science, Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Social Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
The Anthill is The Conversation UK’s podcast service devoted to bring to light some of the best research from the world of academia. Each episode, which lasts around 45 minutes, focuses on a theme and invites academics from different disciplines to share their expertise on it. Themes explored so far include Time, Humour, The Future, Memory, Unexplored places, Games and Dark matter. The podcasts, co-hosted by two experienced content editors from The Conversation, are recorded in the studios of the Department of Journalism at City University London, and have the bonus of sounding like high quality radio programmes.
- Link
- http://rationallyspeakingpodcast.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- History, Politics and Government, Psychology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
Bi-weekly podcast produced by a group called The New York City Skeptics, covering aspects of critical thinking, philosophy, science and ethics, with forays into history, politics and psychology. The podcast features guests from a wide range of academic disciplines. The podcasts are free and are accompanied by full transcripts.
- Link
- https://www.npr.org/2015/09/03/437264048/about-hidden-brain
- Category
- Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Economics, Psychology, Social Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
This podcast looks at everyday human behaviour and uses ideas from the social sciences - economics, psychology and sociology - to explain why people do what they do. The podcast is aimed at a popular audience and is presented by NPR’s science correspondent Shankar Vedantam, whose laudable aim is to help people understand how what they do on a daily basis is based on underlying patterns of human behaviour based on rigorous scientific research.
- Link
- http://www.gold.ac.uk/podcasts/app/front/allpodcasts
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Art, Drama, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Photography, Psychology, Social Studies, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
Goldsmiths produce a wide-range of interesting podcasts, covering a broad range of subject areas. The podcasts are grouped by series and include lectures, talks and discussions on feminism, sociology, creative writing, cultural studies, philosphy, psychology, dance etc.
- Link
- https://search.alexanderstreet.com/avon
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- American Studies, Architecture, Art, Business Studies, Design, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, History, Literature, Media Studies, Medicine, Music, Politics and Government, Psychology, Religious Studies, Social Studies, Social Welfare, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Streaming/Download
Academic Video Online: Premium is the largest and most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 50,000 video titles spanning all academic subject areas including anthropology, business, counselling, film, health, history, music, and more. More than 12,000 titles are exclusive to Alexander Street. From Jan 1 2016, it includes the new “AVON-to-Own” feature, where subscribing libraries receive perpetual rights to videos they select at the end of each annual term commensurate with the amount of the subscription, using an entire year of usage data to support selections. Subscribing libraries also receive Alexander Street’s Media Hosting Service at no charge.
Moving image
- Link
- http://mentalhealthchannel.tv/
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Science and Technology
- Subject
- Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
This charitably funded American website produces free-to-view videos on the subject of mental health. The site features a number of series on different topics, each series being made up of different chapters. Topics covered include bipolarity, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, women’s issues, psychosis, young people, older people, schizophrenia and suicide. Each series takes a different approach to the subject, from Cracking Up, in which comedians take mental health into the spotlight, to The Developing Brain which presents stories about the successful treatment of children’s mental health challenges.
Moving image
- Link
- https://bigpictureeducation.com/
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Science and Technology
- Subject
- Biology, General Science, Genetics, Mathematics, Medicine, Nature, Psychology
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Journals, Streaming/Download
This website is a free educational resource that explores the innovations and implications of modern science. It sets out to connect modern biomedical science with its ethical and social challenges and place bioscience research in a historical and cultural context. The wide range of Resources includes animations, videos and audio clips. Users can filter their searches by topic, resource type and educational level, which ranges from 5-7 years old up to undergraduate and continuing professional development.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.samharris.org/podcast
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- General Science, Psychology, Religious Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
The podcast of philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris features a mixture of topics from neuroscience and philosophy to religion, violence and human reasoning. Harris explores controversial and complex issues from a rational, evidence-based point of view.
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