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  1. Spycast Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Current Affairs, Politics and Government
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Podcasting

    Weekly podcast featuring interviews and programmes with ex-spies, intelligence experts and espionage scholars. Hosted by historian and curator Dr Vince Houghton, and published by Author Debriefings, where the latest intelligence-related novels are discussed; Current Events, which deals with intelligence stories in daily news; Real Spy Stories and Secret History of History. Among the top episodes there is an interview with Sven Hughes, a former reserve soldier within British Military Intelligence, who discusses counter-radicalisation and the effectiveness of influence operations.

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  2. A Brief History of Mathematics Streaming

    Science and Technology
    History, Mathematics
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Is mathematics the driving force behind modern science? In this BBC podcast series, Professor Marcus du Sautoy shows how mathematic finds a role in the real world. For example, an astronaut and an investment analyst explain the power of calculus; in another episode, it is explained how a solution to an eighteenth century mathematical conundrum paved the way to the search engines we use in internet. Each episode lasts 15 minutes and they are available indefinitely.

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  3. Vox Earworm Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource

    Journalist Estelle Caswell explains the stories and sounds behind very popular songs. There are 13 episodes so far including: Smooth Jazz in the 90s; Why Pop Songs should end with a fade out; How triplet flow took over rap; the Sound that connects Stravinsky to Bruno Mars; the recording-studio mishap that shaped music in the 80s, and the most feared song in Jazz.

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  4. The Essay Film Festival Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Festivals, Streaming/Download

    Launched in 2015 by Birkbeck Institute for Moving Image, the programming of The Essay Film Festival aims to provide a focus for the current global expansion of this type of film, which is understood as a hybrid form that brings together elements of documentary and experimental filmmaking into a highly personal and often politically engaged mode of expression. Some classic exponents of the essay film are Humphrey Jennings, Harun Farocki, Patrick Keiller and Agnes Varda. The Events section of the site contains information and resources about past and present editions of the festival, including video and audio recordings of events, photographs, articles and other documents, which are of special value for anyone who is interested in this engaging mode of filmmaking. The Audio Archives present Interviews, Q&As with prominent film theorists such as Thomas Elsaesser and Peter Wollen, and filmmakers including Pierre Creton, Jocelyn Saab, Joao Moreira Salles and Thom Andersen.

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  5. Faculty of Horror Podcast Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Now in its 70th show, this independently produced Canadian podcast is a very good source for classic and contemporary horror film discussions. Hosted by journalists/academics Andrea Subissati and Alexandra West, the shows offer in-depth analysis and intelligent insights on the cultural impact of horror films. The site offers a reading list, and a helpful Episode index, which allows for alphabetical browsing of all the content. Some of the films covered include: Ravenous (1999), Mother! (2017), The Stepford Wives (1975) and Get Out (2017).

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  6. One Heat Minute Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    A monographic podcast examining Michael Mann’s 1995 crime opus HEAT, minute by minute, literally. In each episode, host Blake Howard and a guest dissect 60 seconds of the Neo-noir film classic. Now on its 116th minute (1:55:00-1:56:00) the full series can be accessed via the Episode Guide tab section of the website. Episodes last between 45 and 60 minutes.

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  7. MERZBANK Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Design, Film Studies, Literature, Media Studies, Photography
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource

    A repository of artists’ online works that draw their inspiration from Kurt Schwitters. Guided by his innovations in visual arts, spoken word, typography and poetry, the project anticipates how Schwitters’ spirit might have flourished in the online world, while highlighting the debt that new forms of digital collage owe to Schwitters’ formative example. Funded by Film and Video Umbrella, the site includes newly commissioned works by Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson, Ian Forsyth and Jane Pollard, Alec Finlay, and George Barber. Their works reflect the many different facets of Schwitters’ aesthetic while exploring today’s ever expanding outlets for combining and communicating images, texts and sounds. Whether using content-sharing platforms such as Pinterest as places to find and assemble material, or experimenting with other forms of digital dissemination such as downloads and applications, the pieces demonstrate how Schwitters’ practice continues to reverberate in the present.

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  8. California Academy of Science Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Development Studies, Education, Environmental Studies, General Science, Nature, Technology
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links

    A voice for biodiversity research and exploration, and environmental education, the California Academy of Science’s site offers a wide range of learning experiences via mobile applications, interactives and animal webcams. The Video Library showcases short films on the latest discoveries and research findings made by Academy scientists around the world. Prolific series include: Science Today, Ocean, Space, Human Impacts and Sustainability, Behind the Scenes and Weather and Climate. A significant number of past Lectures can be listened to as podcasts via iTunes and these are organised into four categories: Space, Life, Earth and Tech.

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  9. BBC Teach Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Information Sources, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    The new home to all the BBC classroom resources, which cover 22 subjects ranging from early years to GCSE. Major cultural events such as Black History Month or Shakespeare Season are also covered. The new site includes: Primary and Secondary Class clips, which are arranged by subject and age group; Live Lessons, half-hour curriculum-linked webcasts for the classroom; School Radio, with resources covering music, dance, history, collective workshop, literacy and maths; Terrific Scientific, which is aimed at encouraging scientific enquiry for Key Stage2; Ten Pieces, the classical music project which aims to open up the world of classical music to 7 to 14-year-old across the UK.

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  10. The Internet Bird Collection Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Biology, Environmental Studies, Nature
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource

    An online audiovisual library of videos, photos and sound recordings of the world’s birds. It is available to the public free of charge. Aiming to offer at least one video, photo or sound recording per species initially, the long term objective is to include material covering as many subspecies as possible and a variety of biological aspects (e.g. behaviour, feeding, breeding) for every species. The site main sections are: Explore, Upload and What’s New (i.e. new species on the site). Searching capabilities are quite decent and results can be filtered by type of material (i.e. photo, video, sound). Up-loading is free, but users need to be registered. The site also offers specially curated quizzes to test the users’ ornithological skills.

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