- Link
- https://workingclasshistory.com/category/podcast/
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- American Studies, History, Politics and Government, Social Studies, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links
Who makes History? This resource, launched in 2014, is dedicated to recording and popularising people’s history, that is, the history of ‘everyday women, men, people of colour, migrants, indigenous people, LGTB people, disabled people, workers, the unemployed, housewives and single mothers, as opposed to the history of rich and powerful individuals, kings, queens and politicians’. The collection of podcasts presented here tell the stories of past struggles which still resonate today. Each episode has a ‘Footnotes’ section, which offers links to relevant resources including short videos, articles written at the time, and websites. Events covered so far are: the Grunwick strike of East African and Asian women workers in London 1976-8; The Angry Brigade, Britain’s first urban guerrilla group; Anti-Nazi youth movements in World War II; Workmates: organising with agency workers on London Underground; Industrial Workers of the World in the US, 1905-1918 and 1918-1950s; The West Virginia mine Wars, 1902-1922; The Vietnam War strike wave; Spanish Civil War; The League of Revolutionary Black Workers in Detroit; Women in the Miners strike; Peterloo massacre with Mike Leigh; Women in the early IWW (Industrial Workers of the World Union).
Record only
- Link
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWhTJDazgMDkZYOw91OyRKf7Zsia1a9Qu
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Art, Economics, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
Founded in 1919, the New School university in New York City is a leading academic centre for the development of artists and designers. Amongst its notable alumni there are world-renowned names in the fields of literature, visual arts and performing arts including James Baldwin, Jack Kerouac, Mario Puzo, Marlon Brando, Tony Curtis, Walter Matthau, Paul Dano, Ai Weiwei, Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs. Via their you tube channel the New School offers the Public Programs Express, which is an ongoing series of interviews with prominent speakers such as Thomas Piketty, bell hooks, Naomi Klein, Ai Weiwei, Noam Chomsky, Yanis Varoufakis and Christina Greer. The interviews –so far some 61- are displayed as two-to-five minutes clips or highlights, but can be accessed in their entirety by clicking on the ‘show more’ and then the ‘bonus material’ links.
Record only
- Link
- https://filmography.bfi.org.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Film Studies, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases
Who is the most prolific British female director? Which subjects feature in British horror films? Which countries have co-produced British feature films? These are the kinds of question we can now easily find answers for. After a few years in the making the BFI has finally published an online compilation of UK feature films released to cinemas from the beginning of film history until now. As well as presenting a broad overview of the UK film industry, the BFI have mapped other information onto each of the film titles (e.g. people and companies involved) to enrich and provide unique insights into UK film history. This information should be of interest to film buffs, journalists, researchers, or anyone with an interest in UK film and/or history. It is searchable with shareable data visualisations on a dedicated BFI Filmography web platform or record by record on via the Collections Search.
The Filmography is a dynamic resource, and the underlying data is constantly being reviewed and updated.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.uniquecodeanddata.co.uk/teletext76/bbc1-19790720/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology
- Subject
- Computing, Media Studies, Social Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links
This site is dedicated to the preservation, celebration and analysis of Teletext, the television information service introduced to British television in 1974 and familiar to UK viewers as Ceefax on the BBC and Oracle on ITV. Featuring a podcast, articles, archived pages from the service, and even an application that allows you to create your own Teletext page, the site is a labour of love, the pinnacle of which is a teletext time machine: a fully interactive Ceefax service for the 20th July 1979.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.hayfestival.com/archive/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- History, Literature, Social Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Festivals, Streaming/Download
Online archive featuring audio recordings of talks, interviews and readings from the Hay Festival, going back as far as 1995. Much of the content is free, although some is behind a paywall. The site also features content from Hay’s international sister festivals in Beirut, Segovia, Nairobi, Arequipa, Dhaka and Cartagena, among others.
Record only
- Link
- https://rediscoverbloxwich.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Music, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
This nicely designed website is the result of a participatory media project by sixth form students at Walsall Academy in Bloxwich, a small town in the West Midlands. Featuring interviews with local residents who recount their memories of growing up in the area, one of the interviewees is Noddy Holder of Slade, who talks about his childhood, as well as the links between the industry of the Black Country and the development of heavy metal music.
Record only
- Link
- https://media.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
- Subject
- History, Law, Politics and Government, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
Audio and video podcasts on a range of subjects, all based on collections held in the National Archives. The resources are arranged according to the following categories: Family History; Military History; Social History; Political History; Law and Order; Archivists and Archives and International.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/london-metropolitan-archives/images-film/Pages/default.aspx
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Education, History, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Organisations, Streaming/Download
The London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) are the main archives for the Greater London area. Established in 1997, having previously been known as the Greater London Record Office, they are financed by the City of London Corporation. THE LMA is home to an extensive range of documents, images, maps, films and books about London. The online catalogue records over 1000 films and videotapes. The Images and Film pages of the site lead the user to the Mediatheque which screens material that has been digitised. A smaller selection of film and video titles are available on the YouTube channel.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.soundsurvey.org.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Social Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Blogs, Information Sources, Streaming/Download
London Sound Survey is a growing collection of creative commons-licensed sound recordings of people, places and events in the capital. Historical references are gathered to find out how London’s sounds have changed. Topics covered are eclectic including auctions, market traders, charity fundraising, fairgrounds and amusements, soapbox orators, calls to worship and beggars and hustlers. Contextual information includes date of recording, the name of the recorder, location, summary of content and technical details of the recording. A sound map enables users to identify the sounds of a particular area of London.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.sas.ac.uk/videos-and-podcasts
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Economics, History, Law, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Politics and Government, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
Selected public lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences hosted by the School and its institutes are recorded and can be viewed and downloaded from the web pages, iTunes and YouTube. The videos and podcasts are arranged in broad categories: Culture, Language and Literature; Digital; Economics; History; Law; Music; Philosophy; Politics, Development and Human Rights; Research Training; Sociology and Anthropology. Within the broad categories the titles are listed chronologically; going into individual entries gives a full summary of content.
Record only
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