- Link
- http://www.moidigital.ac.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Film Studies, Politics and Government
An on-going project whose core function is to make accessible primary material related to the history of the Ministry of Information between 1939 and 1946. The MoI was established by the British government at the outbreak of the Second World War and was responsible for issuing ‘National Propaganda’ at home and abroad, as well as censoring information deemed to be of military value. Using all available modes of communication, the MoI produced films, organised radio broadcasts, issued pamphlets and posters to local authorities, published books and illustrated magazines, curated exhibitions and undertook pioneering social surveys. This website offers access to all the Home Intelligence Reports and Wartime Social Surveys which were created for the purpose of monitoring public opinion. Of special interest are the reports related to propaganda films which summarise the reaction of correspondents to films such as War in the East, Seaman Laskier Goes Back to Sea, Rush Hour and Newspaper Train, Three in a Shell Hole, Sam Pepys Joins the Navy, Royal Observer Corps and Naval Operations. This is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in how propaganda is produced and used.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.alternativeprojections.com
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- American Studies, Film Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Information Sources, Lists, Web Links
Resource devoted to experimental film and filmmakers in Los Angeles between 1945 and 1980. The website’s content is the culmination of three years of research into the archives of film venues and organizations, the recording of 35 oral histories, and the creation of a database, which catalogues the films, exhibitions, organisations, and people active during this prolific period in experimental film and video making.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.aei.mpg.de
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Mathematics, Physics
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
Also known as the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, the institute was founded in 1995 for the purpose of pursuing research into the fundamental laws of gravitation. The Videos, Pictures and Texts section of the website is organised into five categories: Images, Movies and Simulations; AEI Research Reports; Brochures; Max Planck Research and Max Planck Yearbook. The audio-visual content includes short films about Quantum gravity and unified theories, the GEO600 Interviews-where scientists explain the direct detection of gravitational waves-, an interview with Nobel Laureate Rainer Weiss, and an animation illustrating how ATLAS analyses data from the international gravitational wave observatory network. The institute also provides the Einstein online, a resource that presents Einstein’s theories via two main sections: the Elementary Einstein with the basics of relativistic physics, and the Spotlight on Relativity, which explores modern relativity research.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.bfi.org.uk/education-research/5-19-film-education-scheme-2013-2017/bfi-film-academy-scheme
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Media Studies
- Type of resource
- Organisations
Open to young people from anywhere in the UK, the BFI Film Academy offers a series of courses for 16-19-year-olds who may want to be part of the future film industry. Courses include: The UK Network Programme, which offers hands-on filmmaking opportunities; the Specialist Residential Academy, which focuses on the skills and knowledge around animation, documentary, screenwriting or VFX; the Craft Skills Residential Programme, which is delivered by the National Film and Television School and last for two years. Many of the short films made through these schemes can be seen via the BFI Film Academy youtube Channel.
Record only
- Link
- https://media.paleycenter.org
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Media Studies, Radio Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Organisations, Streaming/Download
Aiming to lead the discussion about cultural, creative, and social significance of television, radio, and emerging platforms for the professional community and media-interested public, the Paley Center’s website contains useful resources such as This Day in the Media, a wonderfully curated collection of 365 clips commemorating key dates in media history. There is also a Videoconferencing section, which offers educational materials on a variety of topics. Examples include: Portrayal of Women on Television, The Fine Art of Persuasion; Advertising on Television, Hitchcock, Master of Suspense, and the Golden years of Television. All Regions DVDs of live events, chiefly Q&A with cast and creators of very well-known TV series, are sold via the shop.
Record only
- Link
- https://airandspace.si.edu
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum maintains one of the world’s most significant collection of aviation and space artefacts, encompassing all aspects of human flight, as well as related works of art and archival materials. It is also home to the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies. The Multimedia Gallery presents over 10,000 digital images and videos, which can be explored by Type, Topic and Keyword. Of special interest are the Panoramas, which allow the user to look inside historic air and space objects such as the iconic Space Shuttle Discovery and the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.exploratorium.edu
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Art, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, General Science, History, Mathematics, Nature, Physics, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Streaming/Download, Web Links
A public learning laboratory, The Exploratorium, is devoted to just that: exploring the world through science, art and human perception. Their mission is ‘to create inquiry-based experiences that transform learning worldwide’ and perhaps more importantly their vision is ‘a world where people think for themselves and can confidently ask questions, question answers, and understand the world around them’. The museum makes available a vast range of, video programmes, organised by subjects, including: Arts (532 videos), Astronomy and Space (220), Biology (331), Chemistry (97), History (35), Mathematics (19), Nature of Science (13), Perception (55), Physics (215), and Social Science (575). There is also a Websites section with over 35, 000 pages of content, which can be explored by subject too.
Record only
- Link
- https://audioboom.com/channel/nosuchthingasafish
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Media Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting
Weekly British podcast series produced and presented by the research team behind the BBC Two game show QI. Each researcher presents their favourite fact that they have come across that week, but has not made it into that week’s QI programme. The most regular presenters of the podcast are James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski and Dan Schreiber, although other QI researchers also make appearances, and there are guest presenters on some episodes. There are over 240 ‘jolly’ episodes, each packed with ‘impressive and silly facts’ (The Guardian). For example, we may learn why the Italian film director Jesus Franco was once deemed by the Catholic Church as the most dangerous director alive or that the first sandwich was not made by the Earl of Sandwich.
Record only
- Link
- https://maltinonmovies.libsyn.com
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
Film critic Leonard Maltin, known for his annual "Leonard Maltin’s Movie Guide" books, hosts this series in which he discusses his favourite films, pays tribute to great actors and actresses and talks all things movies -from Oscar nominations to film festivals- with people who share his enthusiasm. The series was launched in 2014 and there are some 210 episodes available- each lasting around one hour. The collection focuses on topics such as Food Movies, Buddy Movies, Leading Ladies, Christmas Movies, British Films and Horror Comedies, and personalities such as Susan Sarandon, Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett, Joe Dante, Viggo Mortessen, Quincy Jones, Richard Linklater and Werner Herzog.
Record only
- Link
- https://workingclasshistory.com/category/podcast/
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- American Studies, History, Politics and Government, Social Studies, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links
Who makes History? This resource, launched in 2014, is dedicated to recording and popularising people’s history, that is, the history of ‘everyday women, men, people of colour, migrants, indigenous people, LGTB people, disabled people, workers, the unemployed, housewives and single mothers, as opposed to the history of rich and powerful individuals, kings, queens and politicians’. The collection of podcasts presented here tell the stories of past struggles which still resonate today. Each episode has a ‘Footnotes’ section, which offers links to relevant resources including short videos, articles written at the time, and websites. Events covered so far are: the Grunwick strike of East African and Asian women workers in London 1976-8; The Angry Brigade, Britain’s first urban guerrilla group; Anti-Nazi youth movements in World War II; Workmates: organising with agency workers on London Underground; Industrial Workers of the World in the US, 1905-1918 and 1918-1950s; The West Virginia mine Wars, 1902-1922; The Vietnam War strike wave; Spanish Civil War; The League of Revolutionary Black Workers in Detroit; Women in the Miners strike; Peterloo massacre with Mike Leigh; Women in the early IWW (Industrial Workers of the World Union).
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