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  1. Physclips: Physics animations and film clips Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Mathematics, Physics
    Type of resource

    Multi-media tutorials for learning and teaching physics at high school, or introductory university levels, founded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. The site provides downloadable film clips and animations that teachers can incorporate into their lessons. The structure and navigation of this award-winning resource is explained in What is Physiclips? The scope of the resource comprises: Mechanics, Waves and Sound, and Light. Other resources include Einsteinlight, and Laboratories, which are classroom exercises.

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  2. The Exploratorium Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    Art, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, General Science, History, Mathematics, Nature, Physics, Technology
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Streaming/Download, Web Links

    A public learning laboratory, The Exploratorium, is devoted to just that: exploring the world through science, art and human perception. Their mission is ‘to create inquiry-based experiences that transform learning worldwide’ and perhaps more importantly their vision is ‘a world where people think for themselves and can confidently ask questions, question answers, and understand the world around them’. The museum makes available a vast range of, video programmes, organised by subjects, including: Arts (532 videos), Astronomy and Space (220), Biology (331), Chemistry (97), History (35), Mathematics (19), Nature of Science (13), Perception (55), Physics (215), and Social Science (575). There is also a Websites section with over 35, 000 pages of content, which can be explored by subject too.

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  3. The National Air and Space Museum Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Type of resource

    The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum maintains one of the world’s most significant collection of aviation and space artefacts, encompassing all aspects of human flight, as well as related works of art and archival materials. It is also home to the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies. The Multimedia Gallery presents over 10,000 digital images and videos, which can be explored by Type, Topic and Keyword. Of special interest are the Panoramas, which allow the user to look inside historic air and space objects such as the iconic Space Shuttle Discovery and the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.

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  4. ResponSEAble Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Agriculture, Biology, Botany, Environmental Studies, Food, Nature
    Type of resource

    Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, ResponSEAble’s aim is to encourage Europeans to get more interested in their oceans and improve their understanding of the complex human-ocean relationship. The project has developed the ocean literary tools for different audiences including Educators, Citizens, Policy Makers, Professionals and Scientists. The tools consist of videos, a learning game, a series of weminars and a Key Stories section which provides clear examples around six issues: Eutrophication and agriculture, Ballast water and invasive alien species, Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, Microplastics and Cosmetics, Costal Tourism and Marine Renewable Energy.

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  5. California Academy of Science Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Development Studies, Education, Environmental Studies, General Science, Nature, Technology
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links

    A voice for biodiversity research and exploration, and environmental education, the California Academy of Science’s site offers a wide range of learning experiences via mobile applications, interactives and animal webcams. The Video Library showcases short films on the latest discoveries and research findings made by Academy scientists around the world. Prolific series include: Science Today, Ocean, Space, Human Impacts and Sustainability, Behind the Scenes and Weather and Climate. A significant number of past Lectures can be listened to as podcasts via iTunes and these are organised into four categories: Space, Life, Earth and Tech.

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  6. Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Biology, Botany, Education, General Science
    Type of resource

    Funded chiefly by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, SAPS creates opportunities for teachers and students to find out more about plants and to become more interested in plant science. The How To videos are designed to help teachers and technicians carry out a range of interesting new biology practical experiments with secondary and post-16 students. The videos are intended as quick guides through the necessary practical steps and also suggest how this can be used in the classroom. The Library offers access to a collection of over 200 images to help illustrate ecology, plant biology and plant-animal interactions. There are also links to online teaching resources, with a focus on plant science and related subjects; back issues of the printed Newsletter Osmosis, with teaching resources focusing on practical activity are available too.

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  7. BBC Teach Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Information Sources, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    The new home to all the BBC classroom resources, which cover 22 subjects ranging from early years to GCSE. Major cultural events such as Black History Month or Shakespeare Season are also covered. The new site includes: Primary and Secondary Class clips, which are arranged by subject and age group; Live Lessons, half-hour curriculum-linked webcasts for the classroom; School Radio, with resources covering music, dance, history, collective workshop, literacy and maths; Terrific Scientific, which is aimed at encouraging scientific enquiry for Key Stage2; Ten Pieces, the classical music project which aims to open up the world of classical music to 7 to 14-year-old across the UK.

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  8. The Internet Bird Collection Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Biology, Environmental Studies, Nature
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource

    An online audiovisual library of videos, photos and sound recordings of the world’s birds. It is available to the public free of charge. Aiming to offer at least one video, photo or sound recording per species initially, the long term objective is to include material covering as many subspecies as possible and a variety of biological aspects (e.g. behaviour, feeding, breeding) for every species. The site main sections are: Explore, Upload and What’s New (i.e. new species on the site). Searching capabilities are quite decent and results can be filtered by type of material (i.e. photo, video, sound). Up-loading is free, but users need to be registered. The site also offers specially curated quizzes to test the users’ ornithological skills.

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  9. World Resource Institute (WRI) Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Agriculture, Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Food, Geography, Nature
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Databases, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    WRI is a global research organisation with over 700 experts and staff whose work focuses on six critical issues at the intersection of environment and development: climate, energy, food, forests, water, cities and transport, and ocean. The WRI produces short videos to communicate their research and impact. They serve as visual, non-technical entry-point into the work they do. The site also offers access to three other vast resources: Presentations, where experts talk about their research; Data Library with maps, charts, data sets, infographics and other visual resources which can be searched by type, topic or geography; and Data Platforms, which provides open access to reliable data for those interested in monitoring forests with satellites, tracking the drivers of climate change, understanding indigenous communities’ land rights, planning for water scarcity, and examining the cross-section of global environmental issues.

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  10. Cody’s Lab Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Biology, Chemistry, General Science, Geology
    Type of resource

    Cody Reeder, a Geology student at Utah State University, has been uploading videos for a few years and now has over 1.5 million subscribers. All kinds of experiments are presented here: from geology to chemistry to gardening and everything in between including bee keeping, which is actually the play list with the largest number of videos on offer (109 so far). Other strands include Metal Refining and Recovering, Liquid Nitrogen and Cody’s Rocket Science.

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