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A short video (13 minutes) on the benefits that the use of social media can bring to internal communication within businesses. There is disconnect between how immersed and digitally connected employees are...
A site containing animated infographics displaying up-to-the-minute facts and figures relating to worldwide use of the internet - the countries censoring its use, the main social networks in different...
It’s been 25 years since the first PC virus (Brain A) hit the net, and what was once an annoyance has become a sophisticated tool for crime and espionage. Computer security expert Mikko Hyppönen tells us...
An online documentary series in which journalist and filmmaker Jon Ronson explores individuals and organisations that try to manipulate online audiences, and the conspiracy theories that surround them....
In the 28 September 2011 edition of The Guardian’s weekly Tech Podcast Jemima Kiss examines plans for a digital public space - a part of the internet that could grant worldwide access and create links...
This case study from the Learning to Teach Online project, examines how the use of a wiki can help a teacher effectively facilitate student collaboration with on-campus or distance students. It discusses the...
Discussion on the past, present and future of connectivity with a mix of people including David Rowan, chief editor of Wired UK; Caterina Fake, founder of Flickr; and Eric Wahlforss, the co-founder of...
This animation illustrates the alarming fact that using the internet uses more energy than you might think. For each second of a video you watch online, a fifth of a gram of carbon dioxide is released into...
A series of four short introductory videos for colleges explaining the jurisdictional context to safeguarding and e-safety duties in each of the UK’s nations. These were produced to provide background for...
The controversial Digital Economy Act 2010 has generated much public debate, and the implications for colleges and universities remain unclear. The Act aims to tackle online copyright infringement by giving...
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