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A video published in conjunction with TRL Project Report 15, showing the main results of a study into cycling in pedestrian areas. The report indicates that cycling can be more widely permitted without...
Describes the major developments of the motor car and some associated issues of safety, pollution and impact on road building programmes and town planning. Also discusses developments in fuels and some of...
As one of Britain’s largest landowners, the Ministry of Defence is conscious of its stewardship of the Defence estate and thus maintains an active programme of conservation and other measures to keep to a...
Historically the Volga has been a rich source of the Beluga sturgeon and its caviar. But the river is now overfished and dying from pollution. Looks at the consequences and causes of these problems,...
An introduction to environmental audits and how they can be used by community education staff and community groups to enhance the local environment.
The latest scientific data and theories and the participation of the world’s leading scientists and institutions are used to investigate pollution ask whether present methods of pollution control,...
An investigation of the impact of red deer on Scotland’s environment.
Although hydro power is an established renewable energy technology, the UK’s small scale hydro resource is largely unexploited. This programme focuses on small hydro power and its potential, with the...
Looks at the need for governments to redefine their security interests in environmental terms to avoid the consequences of mass environmental degradation.
Looks at the potential benefits of coppicing as an energy source in the UK. For farmers, fuel wood is simple and cheap to produce while also being renewable and environmentally friendly. Outlines the steps...
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