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A guide for managers of small- and medium-sized businesses on planning and executing a company-wide strategy for dealing with the millennium bug problem. Provides a framework for a Y2K project with guidance...
A training programme intended to help organisations anticipate and manage change on a continuing basis. Individual parts cover 1) change and leadership; 2) the paradigm effect - how to step outside your...
Explains how to look for paradigm shifts in an industry or profession, when to look for change, who brings change and how to capitalise on it. Intended to help viewers prepare for the future by considering...
Panel interviews are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in the public sector, as a means of ensuring fairness and a range of opinion about each candidate. 1 (17 min): Tips to increase an...
A video workshop on creative problem solving. The exercises encourage creative thinking through the breaking of well-worn habits and thought patterns, generating creative alternatives and ideas, sharing...
Looks at a various people seen as high risk takers, challenging management to spot new opportunities and act upon them. Examples include Ray Kroc, who began the McDonald’s restaurant chain, workers at a...
Organisational change is increasingly frequent in today’s dynamic and turbulent business environment. Rosabeth Moss Kanter assesses the critical importance of managing the human side of change positively...
A programme about innovation and change based on the idea of paradigms - the unwritten rules which shape the way organisations do things - with examples of how paradigms can cause resistance to change and...
A six-video, three-unit package that examines ways to introduce change, plan its implementation, and overcome natural resistance by altering the perspectives of those concerned, note and correct common...
A video course about change stressing that individuals need to be flexible, responsible for their own training and development, and ready to change whenever necessary, always seeing change not as a threat...
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