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Illustration of activities covered in Adult Basic Education Services. Shows tutors working with students in fields of literacy, numeracy, life skills and also the work being developed in the sphere of...
Awareness of pressures of an interview on inexperienced young people, different types of questions asked at an interview, how to create a simulated interview to provide relevant experience for pupils.
Looks at possibilities for the use of mime in the classroom.
Shows aspects of human memory via a seven year old child’s playing of a memory game on a BBC microcomputer.
Use of OHP with pupils following a foundation course; illustration of method of redrafting.
Describes the content of community education e.g. deprivation, unemployment (adult and youth), community centres, neighbourhood work, community arts, adult basic education. Looks at the range of professional...
A group of young people discuss with a social worker and a community education student a wide range of problems which faced them when they left residential or foster care.
Designed to be part of a wider look at study skills, concentrating on memory.
Illustrates the range of activities possible in an English classroom at foundation level. It exemplifies the use of resources.
Main concepts which the course on Fife’s heritage has tried to develop; other appropriate follow-up methods; development of positive attitudes plus objectives as in Part 1.
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