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Examines the various techniques of remediating contaminated land using cement. Case studies drawn from UK and USA experience are used to illustrate the commonly used methods.
A training video covering the basic safety points relating to working on site. In two parts: 1) aimed at site managers, deals with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994. Outlines the...
Provides guidance on the Approved Document L, Conservation of Fuel and Power, of the Building Regulations. Explains the three methods of showing compliance and highlights specific areas requiring good...
A training video describing the various ways of finishing concrete, ranging from decorative to plain finishes, and shows the preparation and production necessary to achieve them.
Demonstrates how foamed concrete meets the parameters of the Reinstatement Section of the Roads and Street Work Act 1991 and examines its use as a trench reinstatement material.
A training video dealing with the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations. In two parts: 1) explains in simple terms the responsibilities of site management in complying with the...
A training video looking at methods of curing concrete and discussing how and when to strike formwork in walls, columns, beams and slabs.
A training video dealing with the types of equipment used and methods of transporting and handling concrete on site.
A training video showing the types of blemishes in concrete, their causes and how to avoid them. Describes the materials and equipment needed for concrete repair, particularly for honeycombing, accidental...
A training video explaining the purpose of reinforcement in concrete. Shows the types and sizes of bar available. Describes cutting and bending in a reinforcement works and shows how reinforcement should be...
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