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Examination of the neck with particular reference to the thyroid gland. Shows clinical assessment of a patient with Graves’ disease followed by appropriate investigations and some comments on the...
Describes the main anti-thyroid drugs and their mechanism of action. Describes other anti-thyroid drugs and indicates their usefulness in the management of hyperthyroidism. The treatment of hyperthyroidism...
1: Anatomy of inguinal hernia seen at operation; surface anatomy of the thyroid gland; clinical examination of scrotum and its contents; scrotum and testis at operation; paramedian incision through anterior...
Preparation of patient, incision siting, dissection of skin flaps and strap muscles. Mobilisation of the thyroid, the pyramidal lobe and the thyroid isthmus.
Shows the examination of a patient suffering from the condition of hyperthyroidism. The patient is first interviewed, and describes her symptoms. A clinical examination follows (during which reflexes are...
A summary of of various conditions: acromegaly, hypercalcaemia, hyper-viscosity syndrome, hyperthyroidism, lymphocytic thyroiditis and glomerulonephritis.
A case record of juvenile hypothyroidism in a boy aged 8 years.
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