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The Sports Injuries Series includes 3 titles: Second edition of this DVD-ROM containing Sports disks on The Knee, The Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg, and The Shoulder.The focus of the Sports Injuries titles is...
Explains how human anatomy enables us to be physically active. Examines in turn the four body systems (skeletal, muscular, respiratory and circulatory) and the the main functions of each. Also discusses...
Uses animation and X-ray motion pictures to examine the structure of the human body in terms of the skeletal system - that framework of bones whose composition and arrangement support the internal organs and...
Radiographs of skeletal diseases in small animals covering abnormalities due to injuries, infections, congenital disorders and cancer.
Part 11 (1977): Structure: central and peripheral nervous systems; main parts of brain; spinal cord; motor and sensory neurones; synapses. Function of nervous system.
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