A European Copyright Fit for the Digital Age: Factsheet

A European Copyright Fit for the Digital Age: Factsheet
8 Apr 2016
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European Commission
Policy Documents
New Technology; Digital Economy; Europeana; Europe; Copyright
This factsheet from the European Commission gives a usefully brief summary of the case for the need to reform copyright legislation in Europe. The increasing use of mobile devices to access content, along with an increase in travel throughout Europe means that new ways to create and get access to content are appearing at an increasing pace, but legal content available across borders remains limited. During 2016 the Commission has promised to improve cross-border distribution of TV and radio programmes in an online environment; facilitate licensing allowing for cross-border access to content and give new life to works which are no longer commercialised. In addition to this, with the support of the Creative Europe programme, the Commission also promises to
help European works to be discovered and to reach their audience by supporting the development of innovative tools such as a European aggregator of online search portals, to help people find films legally available on the internet, as well as promote subtitling and dubbing to boost the circulation of works across Europe.

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