The Copyright (Public Administration) Regulations: Statutory Instruments 2014. No. 1385
- Title
- The Copyright (Public Administration) Regulations: Statutory Instruments 2014. No. 1385
- Date
- 1 Jun 2014
- PDF Document
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- Publisher
- House of Commons
- Category
- UK Legislation
- Subject
- Intellectual Property
- Inactive
- No
- Description
- This statutory instrument, which came into force on June 1 2014, is one of five Instruments to amend the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the “Copyright Act”) and make provision for the incorporation into UK law of exceptions and limitations to copyright and performers’ rights which Member States may introduce into their law by virtue of Directive 2001/29 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (the “Infosoc Directive”). The instruments update the framework of exceptions to copyright and rights in performances, expanding the freedoms in copyright law that allow third parties to use copyright works (such as text, film or music) for a variety of economically and socially valuable purposes, without permission from copyright owners. The changes contain safeguards to ensure that a reasonable balance is maintained between the interests of creators, owners,
performers, consumers and users of copyright works.
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