Review of the Local and Regional Media Merger Regime - Final Report

Review of the Local and Regional Media Merger Regime - Final Report
30 Jun 2009
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Office of Fair Trading
Surveys and Reports
Media ownership
The Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills asked the OFT to carry out a review of the merger
regime as it applies to the local and regional media sector, in view of local media groups’ criticisms that the transition to digital business models requires consolidation, but the current media merger regime does not take account of this. The review involved significant consultation with interested parties. The OFT concluded that the existing merger regime is flexible and evidence-based, and thus able to take into account the various considerations raised. Nonetheless, in recognition of the benefit available from Ofcom’s knowledge of the media sector, the OFT proposed that in local media merger cases raising prima facie competition concerns, the OFT would ask Ofcom to provide them with a Local Media Assessment.

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