Draft BBC Editorial Guidelines - for Public Consultation

Draft BBC Editorial Guidelines - for Public Consultation
8 Oct 2009
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BBC Trust
Public Consultation
BBC; Compliance
A public consultation on standards suitable for BBC programming, as outlined in the revised draft of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines. These protocols guide programme makers and other content producers on issues such as impartiality, accuracy, harm and offence, as well as covering war, religion, politics and children’s issues. The guidelines inform every editorial decision made within the BBC and independent production companies working for the corporation. It is also the framework against which complaints are considered. The guidelines are reviewed every five years, but this is the first time that they have been put out to consultation with the public. The consultation is open until 24 December 2009. The submissions to the consultation and independent research commissioned by the Trust will inform the review and, once approved, the new guidelines will come into effect in summer 2010.

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