Moving the ICT Frontiers: A Strategy for Research on Future and Emerging Technologies in Europe, COM(2009) 184 final

Moving the ICT Frontiers: A Strategy for Research on Future and Emerging Technologies in Europe, COM(2009) 184 final
20 Apr 2009
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European Commission
Policy Documents; Surveys and Reports
New Technology; Digital Economy
This Communication proposes bolstering Europe’s competitiveness and the innovation ecosystem in the long term by means of greater investment in higher risk research in the strategically important area of information and communication technologies (ICT). It emphasises the success and strategic importance of research on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) in laying the foundations for future ICT and sowing the seeds for innovation. A longer-term strategy and specific actions to be implemented under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) are outlined, to enable Europe to take the lead in FET research by strengthening its European and global dimension. These will complement and reinforce the action outlined in the Commission Communication on the strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation in Europe, in particular on raising investment in research, prioritising efforts and reducing fragmentation.

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