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  1. Price of Life, The (2010)

    Adam Wishart
    Medical sciences

    On a finite budget, the NHS cannot afford to offer every treatment on the market, so how is it decided which medications should be made available? This programme follows the nail-biting decision about one...

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  2. Decision makers (1983)

    Documentary; Interview

    Decision Makers, presented by Peter Spencer. On the 75th Anniversary of the Territorial Army, Decision Makers asks, are they professionals and is the training enough for recruits to keep up with the regular...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Decision Makers: telecommunications [IRN Political Unit production] - nd [1975-1986]

    Decision Makers: telecommunications [IRN Political Unit production]. Interviews with manager of British Telecom and members of the government to announce new decisions making for telecommunications area....

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. 2011 We the Peoples Film Festival

    1 Nov 2011, 14:14
    Post Type

    The 2011 We the Peoples Film Festival will again feature films relating to the United Nations Three Pillars of Freedom; the freedoms from want and from fear and the freedom to live in dignity. Also, we will...

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  5. Decision makers (1983)

    Interview; Documentary

    Decision Makers asks what went wrong for the Labour Party in the General Election, and why it lost. IRN’s political correspondent Peter Allen believes the party divided itself over such issues as nuclear...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. Decision makers (1983)

    Interview; Documentary

    Decision Makers presented by Magnus Carter on death and euthanasia and the ethical issues, following a recent case at UCL Hospital of a man in a coma and on a life support machine being pronounced dead....

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Knowledge-Based Systems (1987 Video)

    Jeremy Cooper
    Development studies; Medical sciences
    Off-air recording licence Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min., The videotapes in this course are only available as a set, comprising 12 programmes on 3 VHS videocassettes. Price per set: £400.

    Knowledge-based aids are briefly presented and discussed: the GLADYS system for diagnosing dyspepsia; algorithms used in training workers in Third World countries; a rule-based expert system currently being...

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  8. Peter Parker on Channel tunnel proposals (1981)


    British Rail chairman Sir Peter Parker on proposals for a Channel tunnel which would link mainland Britain to Europe. Includes discussion on the funding of the project. Male interviewer not identified....

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Decision makers (1983)

    Interview; Documentary

    Decision Makers looks at the life of new MPs in the House of Commons, after 150 new MPs were elected in the general election. Richard Dallyn presents. Includes interview with Charles Kennedy MP and other new...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Decision makers (1983)

    Interview; Documentary

    Decision Makers looks at the state of the Social Democratic Party. SDP leader Roy Jenkins believes they can win the next election, but problems with the alliance with the Liberal Party have shifted public...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
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