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  1. Clinton on Bosnian peace (1995)


    The three main warring factions in Bosnia have laid the foundations for peace. They agreed a basic Governmental structure which could get the country back on track after four years of war. All sides are...

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  2. Sun Still Shines, The (1995 Video)

    Mariano Bartolomeu
    Parminder Vir
    Development studies
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 30 min., 1996 sale: £95.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Looks at United Nations aid from an Angolan point of view. After decades of civil war the Angolan government and the rebels have signed a peace settlement. But the town of Malanje remains sourrounded by...

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  3. Walid Jumblatt on Lebanon civil war (1984)


    Druze leader Walid Jumblatt talks about his lack of optimism for a peace settlement in Lebanon. Male interviewer not identified.

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  4. Russian delegation visit GLC human rights summit (1983)

    Interview; News report; Speech

    Report on the visit by Moscow Mayor Vladimir Promyslov and a Russian delegation to the GLC arranged Summit on Peace and Human Rights, including discussion of the treatment of Jewish dissidents in the Soviet...

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  5. American envoy deaths in Bosnia (1995)

    News report; Press conference; Speech

    Washington correspondent Simon Marks reports that the accidental deaths of three US diplomats by landmine on a road outside Sarajevo has reopened a debate in the USA about whether America should be involved...

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  6. Sanders of the River (1935 Film)

    Zoltan Korda
    Alexander Korda
    Film (16mm)

    Feature film. Presents a selectively constructed but positive view of British colonial administration in Africa and of the nature and capabilities of the African. The tone and theme of the film are set by...

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  7. Solve Rhodesian crisis (1979)


    Tory MP Francis Pym agrees the civil war in Rhodesia is getting worse, and calls on Britain to see what help can be brought in, such as putting pressure on nationalist leader Robert Mugabe to achieve peace.

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  8. David Steel on Rhodesian problems (1978)


    Liberal leader David Steel on the situation in Rhodesia ahead of a visit to the country. He insists that the Anglo-American peace proposals can still work. He also says he is worried about food shortages in...

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  9. Bill Clinton in Bosnia (1996)


    Speech by President Bill Clinton while visiting US troops in Bosnia. Calls troops heroes for peace.

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  10. Bishop Muzorewa on Rhodesia (1977)

    News report; Speech

    Report on the return of Bishop Abel Muzorewa to Rhodesia. Includes speech by Muzorewa on dangers of Rhodesian civil war if a settlement is not found. Reporter not identified (poss. Chris Morten).

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