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  1. Respecting Diversity: Sexual Orientation (2013)

    Business studies; Law
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 40 minutes), £995.00

    This is a comprehensive training programme helping managers, staff and HR policy-makers to recognise and address inappropriate and unlawful behaviour including discrimination, harassment and victimisation....

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  2. Culture and Change: More of the Right Medicine (1999 Video)

    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 30 min., 2001 sale: £75.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    In the late 1980s, the Aberdeen Royal Hospital NHS Trust introduced a series of human resource (HR) strategies designed to create cultural change at all levels of the organisation. HR systems and procedures...

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  3. Cryotherapy Video Set (1996 Video)

    Medical sciences; Sports science
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. 11, 15 min., 2000 sale: £38.95 (inc VAT +p&p) set

    Two programmes demonstrating why cold therapy works and how to use it to treat and rehabilitate joint and muscle injuries: 1) Cryotherapy for First Aid; 2) Cryotherapy for Rehabilitation. Intended as a...

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  4. Age Awareness E-Learning (2013)

    Business studies; Law
    Sale, CD-ROM (60 minutes), £249.00

    Age discrimination affects the aspirations of both young and old, and prevents organisations from reaping the benefits of an age-diverse workforce. Following the introduction of the Employment Equality (Age)...

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  5. Human Resource Management (1987 Video)

    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col.

    A video-based distance learning course which introduces key concepts in a practical setting. Covers formal and informal organisation structures, group dynamics, leadership, teamwork and individual responses...

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  6. Management of Project Omnia, The (1994 Video)

    Pip Surgey
    Information technology
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min.

    Considers the people involved in project management, in this case, the Portman Building Society’s Project OMNIA which was undertaken to replace diverse computer systems by a single integrated one that is...

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  7. Ibc: A Birthday to Remember (1999 Video)

    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 28 min., 2001 sale: £75.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Explores the policies used to create cultural change to Isuzu Bedford Commercial Vehicles (IBC). In 1987 IBC was facing extinction, and a radical change in human resource policies was undertaken. The...

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  8. Aspects of Earth Resources (1995 Multimedia)


    Teaching module on aspects of earth resources, with the aim of putting geology into the broader context of environmental management, pollution control and the water and engineering industries. It also seeks...

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  9. Challenges of Urbanisation (2009)

    aka: Challenges in Urbanisation: Inequality in Bangalore

    Sale, DVD (Region 0 PAL, 40 minutes), £45.00

    An up-to-date, adaptable and engaging resource for the learning and teaching of development, poverty and inequalities. It takes Bangalore as a case study and looks at the causes and impacts of urban poverty,...

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  10. Ageing Populations (2013)

    Social Studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 0 PAL, 28 minutes), £40.00

    This resource examines the current issues surrounding an ageing population in the UK, using East Devon as a case study. It illustrates the causes, impacts and management of the UK’s ageing population and...

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11-20 of 37 results | Page 2 of 4
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