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Report on the advance by Israeli troops on the capital of Lebanon, Beirut. Includes excerpts of a report by John Callcott (UPI), in Lebanon. Male reporter not identified.
IRN Review of 1984 - nd [1984]. Some reports also on AV769/653/S1, Track 5. Miners dispute. Bombing of Grand Hotel Brighton during Tory Party Conference. Discontent within Tory Party: proposed aboltion of...
Report on a disputes between the Red Cross and the Israeli Government over access to Palestinian Prisoners of War and the Red Cross denial of Israeli accusations that it has exaggerated the number of...
Former Chief of the Israeli Military Intelligence and opposition leader in Israel, Chaim Herzog on the invasion of Lebanon. Male interviewer not identified.
Lebanese Ambassador to London, Khalil Makkawi on civilian deaths in the ongoing war with Israel. Male interviewer not identified.
Report on Israeli air strikes in Lebanon. Correspondent Paul Martin reports from Beirut; Lebanese Ambassador to London, Khalil Makkawi comments. Female reporter not identified.
Report on Israel’s dropping of leaflets on South Beirut, warning the Syrians in the city to leave peacefully. Male reporter not identified.
Former Chief of Israeli Military Intelligence and opposition leader in Israel, Chaim Herzog, on the Israeli operation in Lebanon, and what the USA can do to help. Interviewer not heard. In 2 parts, with...
Report on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, and different Palestinian factions. Male correspondent not identified (poss. Andrew Simmons?); male studio reporter not identified. In 3 parts, with break in...
Report on the evidence given by Israeli Foreign Minister, Yitzhak Shamir to an inquiry into the massacre at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps during the war with Lebanon. Male correspondent not identified;...
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