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  1. Working Mathematically Within a Whole-School Curriculum (1994 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. ? min., 2001 sale: £34.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    A case study showing how Woodbrook Vale High School in Leicestershire planned an integrated whole-school curriculum from scratch. Within the overall framework, the pary played by the mathematics curriculum...

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  2. Shapes of Flows, The (1987 Video)

    Pip Surgey
    Mathematics; Physics
    Off-air recording licence Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min., 1999 sale: £145.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    The Victoria Falls and the whilrlpool at La Rance barrage in France are spectacular examples of flows. It turns out that for linear flows there are exactly 13 geometric varieties of flows that can occur, and...

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  3. 57 Varieties (1991 Video)

    aka: Counting Theorem, The

    Adam Adamyk; Jack Koumi
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min., 1999 sale: £145.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Investigates the orbit-stabilizer theorem in group theory, and shows how this leads to the counting theorem, which is used to solve counting problems.

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  4. Klein’s Unification of Geometry (1979 Video)

    Jack Koumi
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    Computer animation and a 3-D model of a perspectivity demonstrate that Euclidean, non-Euclidean and projective geometries are unified, and also distinguished by Klein’s view of each one as a space plus a...

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  5. 11 (2011)

    Brady Haran

    A fascinating explanation of the role of the number 11 in error detection codes, with examples of ISBNs and damaged CDs.

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  6. Teaching Students to Write Mathematics (2013)


    Teaching students to write mathematics correctly is often neglected part of a mathematics degree (and earlier education). This downloadable DVD was produced as part of Kevin Houston’s aim to to rectify...

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  7. Special Mathematics (1976 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 18 min.

    Demonstrates how the special difficulties of handicapped children may, in mathematics, be overcome by the development of individual courses based on careful diagnosis and observation.

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  8. Real Exponential Functions (1988 Video)

    Archaeology; Mathematics
    Off-air recording licence Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min., 1994 sale: £60.00 (+VAT +p&p) combined with three other programmes from the course on a single cassette.

    Using a sample post from an archaeological dig uncovering ancient wooden roadways, follows the basic theory of radiocarbon dating through all its processes, showing the mathematics involved at each stage.

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  9. Resources for Mathematics (1977 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 45 min.

    The record of a project in which a team of workers in a job creation scheme undertook the manufacture and testing of new learning materials designed for use in special schools.

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  10. Mathematics from Generalisation and Pattern: A UK Perspective (1992 Video)

    Michael Peet
    Education; Mathematics
    Sale?, Videocassette. VHS. col. 28 min.

    Examines how ideas relating to algebra are taught to children in the 5-17 age range in UK schools. Examines a variety of teaching styles in six classroom-based sequences. Programme originated for the 7th...

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