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Pathe’s Database Entry for this item: "Date : 3/11/57 CRAZY PUB. (Hunsdon. Herts) CU A sign announcing "Your are now in Britain’s craziest pub" this sign is misspelt. MS Alarm clock dangling from...
NoS Summary - Joe’s heart is broken and his cartoon friends decide to fix it for him. British Pathe synopsis: Joe Noble animation featuring Sammy and Sausage - a cartoon dog. A mixture of live action and...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The Big Vote. DESCRIPTION: Parliament votes to enter the EEC, in principle, the majority was 112. SHOTLIST: MS onion seller pushes bike across bridge. MCU Common Market poster A DAY FOR...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Mandalay Falls. DESCRIPTION: Both Indian troops and men from the United Kingdom fought their way into the centre of Mandalay. The enemy’s last stand was made at Fort Dufferin which...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Review of the Year. DESCRIPTION: We look back on the highlights of 1971... The dramas, tragedies and achievements of the past twelve monthsPlease note our next edition will contain...
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