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  1. Oesophago-Gastrectomy (1984 Video)

    Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    For a mid-to lower oesophageal tumour a right thoracotomy combined with an upper mid-line abdominal incision is chosen, the so-called Ivor Lewis approach. The technique of this approach and mobilisation of...

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  2. Screening Science

    25 Aug 2015, 17:13
    Sergio Angelini
    Post Type
    BUFVC Article

    Cardiff sciSCREEN ( is a cross-disciplinary programme that promotes engagement between science and the academy through audio-visual media. Dr Andrew Bartlett, Cardiff University,...

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  3. Current Aspects of Chronic Gastric Ulcer (1973 Film)

    Medical sciences
    Film (16mm)

    After a summary of typical and atypical functional symptomatology of gastric ulcer, the various aspects of the affection are reviewed, starting with pictures obtained by radiology and endoscopy. Role of...

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  4. Wegman: Video and Performance (1996 Video)

    out of distribution, Videocassette. U-matic, VHS. col. 40 min.

    William Wegman’s absurdist performance-based work, including ‘Singing Stomach’, along with cameos featuring the artist’s dog Man Ray.

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  5. Enterohepatic Circulation of Bile Salts, The (1976 Audio)

    Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Audiocassette. 60 min.

    Definition of enterohepatic circulation, bile salts and ‘bile salt pool’, interruption of enterohepatic circulation (including drugs), effect of bile salts in stomach, lumen and oesophagus.

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  6. No Pain, No Gain (1996 Video)

    out of distribution, Videocassette. U-matic, VHS. col. 64 min.

    Performance-based works focusing on the body: ‘Through the Night Softly’ (Chris Burden, USA, 1973, 3 min), ‘Rocked Stomach’ (Dennis Oppenheim, USA, 1970, 4 min), ‘Openings’ (Vito Acconci, USA,...

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  7. Digestion (2 Parts) (1949 Video)

    Medical sciences
    out of distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 17, 20 min.

    Part 2: The chemical changes that take place within the alimentary canal. Animated diagrams illustrate the position of the glands and the function of their secretions in breaking down carbohydrates, proteins...

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  8. Living Body, The (26 Parts) (1984 Video)

    out of distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 26 x 26 min.

    A series examining the human living body in its entirety, answering questions such as what underlies movement, thinking, eating and breathing, how one body gives birth to another, how can the human eye be so...

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  9. Screening Science

    16 Feb 2012, 10:38
    Post Type
    BUFVC Article

    Cardiff sciSCREEN is a cross-disciplinary programme that promotes engagement between science and the academy through audio-visual media, using special screenings of new film releases to draw on a range of...

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