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Customer service operations are expanding. Companies are adopting the latest online technologies as integral components of their customer service strategies. In these new and exciting online environments,...
Payment by cheque drawn on a UK bank payable to BUFVC or Visa/Master/Delta card. For more information: Tel +44 (0)20 7393 1500, Fax +44 (0)20 7393 1555, E-mail
Depending on the size of your project we may also be able to help with cataloguing your holdings as they are being converted. The intangible nature of digital assets makes keeping an organised record of all...
The 12th RAI International Festival of Ethnographic Film 2011 Call for Submissions 24 - 26 June 2011 www.therai.org.uk/film/film-festival/ Deadline for Submission: 15 January 2011 Submissions are...
The BoB National service is currently down for essential maintenance. Apologies for the brief disruption. For any queries please e-mail: bob@bufvc.ac.uk
The text publications delivered from this site, which are copyright of the BUFVC/IUHFC, are licensed for educational and research access by bona fide staff and students in universities and colleges in the...
Learning on Screen York House 221 Pentonville Road London N1 9UZ Tel +44 (0)20 7393 1500 Fax +44 (0)20 7393 1555 E-mail: ask@bufvc.ac.uk Web: http://bufvc.ac.uk Twitter: @LearnonScreen View...
Ravensbourne College, London 22-23 March 2012 http://3dstorytelling.co.uk/ This free two-day event is funded by Skillset, and focuses on the potential for 3-D technology in modern media from an industry...
On 1 October Luís Carrasqueiro became the new Chief Executive of the BUFVC after several years as the Council’s Deputy CE under Murray Weston, who will continue to work for us as Special Advisor to the...
The BBC Trust is currently seeking comments on BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Four and the Red Button as part of its responsibility to provide the best possible service for licence payers. Each service is subjected...