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  1. Radovan Karadzic on Bosnian conflict (1993)


    Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic gives a telephone interview about the continued civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and his reluctance to sign a peace treaty while it seems likely that the USA will arm...

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  2. Bosnians violate UN peace ultimatum (1995)

    News report

    Rachel Salaman speaks to Sarajevo correspondent, Kurt Schork, about Bosnian Serbs’ violation of the UN peace ultimatum.

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  3. Peace and justice in Bosnia (1995)

    Press conference

    Following the Bosnian peace agreement after talks in Dayton, Ohio, USA with the Presidents of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia, the Bosnian Foreign Minister, Muhamed Sacirbey, says peace is not justice but a good...

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  4. Nobel Peace Prize - Dave Loyn surveys the field (1979)

    Interview; News report; Speech

    Dave Loyn reports on the fifty-six nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize. Amnesty International and Northern Ireland Peace People are among the previous winners; a recording of Mairead Corrigan is included in...

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  5. Bosnia peace talks (1995)

    News report

    Bernard Edinger reports from Paris that Muhamed Sacirbey, the Bosnian Foreign Minister has cast serious doubt on the Geneva peace talks.

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  6. Tony Benn on police at Greenham Common eviction (1984)


    Labour politician, Tony Benn, talks about police behaviour during the eviction of the women at the Greenham Common peace camp. Male interviewer not identified.

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  7. Bosnian peace agreement (1995)


    Following three weeks of negotiations in Dayton, Ohio the US Secretary of State, Warren Christopher announces that Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia have agreed to end the war in the former Yugoslavia.

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  8. Bosnian peace agreement (1995)


    Following the peace agreement to bring about an end to the war in Bosnia reached after talks in Dayton, Ohio, USA, UK Foreign Secretary, Malcolm Rifkind says he expects the timescale for the implementation...

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  9. Bosnian peace agreement announced (1995)

    Press conference; Speech

    US President Bill Clinton announces on the lawn of the White House that the presidents of Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia have reached a peace agreement that ends the war in Bosnia following talks in Dayton, Ohio.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Clinton on Bosnian peace (1995)


    The three main warring factions in Bosnia have laid the foundations for peace. They agreed a basic Governmental structure which could get the country back on track after four years of war. All sides are...

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