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  1. America’s New Army

    Date released
    Series name
    The March of Time 7th Year
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    1 / 1

    The March of Time synopsis: Revisiting briefly the pre-Pearl Harbour period, the film proceeds to show how thereafter the antiquated set-up was completely overhauled. Scenes showing training camp activities,...

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Record only Record only
  2. Push and Pull Forces (2013)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 12 minutes), £49.00 (DVD), £20.00 (1 Year Digital Licence), £49.00 (3 Year Digital Licence)

    Any type of motion means a force is at work. This video production introduces forces and some important basic laws and principles of physics. Content covered includes defining and identifying forces,...

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  3. Tempest, The (1949 Radio)

    Introducing Shakespeare

    Last in a series of six Forces Educational Broadcasts devoted to introducing Shakespeare to the general listener. J. B. Bamborough gives an illustrated talk of the play.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  4. Film & Video Censorship in Modern Britain

    17 Sep 2012, 17:00
    Sergio Angelini
    Post Type
    BUFVC Review

    Film & Video Censorship in Modern Britain by Julian Petley (Edinburgh University Press, 2011), 240 pages. ISBN: 978-0748625383 (hardback), £75; ISBN: 978-0748625390 (paperback), £24.99 About the...

    Other Other Record only Record only
  5. Central Forces and Conservation Laws (1988 Video)

    Adam Adamyk
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min.

    Investigates the motion of a particle acted on by a central force and what this implies about angular momentum and energy for the particle. Concludes by illustrating that the force of gravity and the...

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  6. Low Reynolds Number Flows (1968 Film)

    Film (16mm)

    Demonstrates phenomena of ‘inertia-free’ flows in which viscous forces dominate in the balance of forces. Topics include: relative importance of inertial and viscous forces as Reynolds number is varied,...

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  7. Painting Potentials (1983 Video)

    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min.

    Discusses the concepts of forces, potentials and fields. A variety of examples is used to introduce the concepts and demonstrates the relationships between them, and their applications.

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  8. Statics (1981 Video)

    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    The use of free body diagrams is essential for the analysis of problems in statics. This is illustrated extensively throughout the film at the same time introducing various mechanical forces experienced in...

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  9. Imagined Worlds. Part 3: Behind Reality (1982 Video)

    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    Professor Abdus Salam, a 1979 Nobel Laureate, has worked for 20 years towards the ‘grand unification’, the dream of physicists since Einstein that all of nature - the matter it comprises and the forces...

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  10. Teen Sexuality in a Culture of Confusion (199 Video)

    Dan Habib
    Dan Habib
    Media studies
    out of distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 40 min., 1997 sale: £35.00 (inc. VAT +p&p)

    Examines teenage sexuality in relation to popular culture. Eight young people, aged 16-24, talk about the forces in their lives that influence how they make decisions about sex; two of them talk about living...

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