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The British Film Institute (BFI ) has announced the results of its 2011 Statistical Yearbook, an authoritative snapshot of the film landscape in the UK over the last 12 months. [caption...
Presented by: Sergio Angelini and Linda Kaye Date: Thursday 10 December 2015 - Book your place now Venue: BUFVC office, 77 Wells Street, London, W1T 3QJ This course will provide an overview of the current...
Do you produce educational programmes? Do you have a top-rated educational website? Are you a student with an outstanding production? The Learning on Screen Awards celebrate and reward excellence in the...
Presented by: Linda Kaye and Sergio Angelini Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015 - Book your place now Venue: BUFVC office, 77 Wells Street, London, W1T 3QJ The course will explore the benefits and value of...
The ERA Plus - The Benefits Explained event was held at BAFTA, London on Thursday 9 September 2010. The event took an in-depth, pragmatic look at the ERA Plus Licence and how to use it within education...
THE POLITICS OF TELEVISION SPACE A one-day symposium Friday 8 April 2011 University of Leicester Attenborough Seminar Block Rooms 210 / 212 10.00 am – 6.00 pm The first symposium arising from...
A new three-year research project at the University Westminster is currently underway with the ambitious aim of collating information on all plays written for the theatre that have been produced for British...
Viewfinder 86 was published in March 2012. Contents of this issue: SCREEN PLAY John Wyver and Dr Amanda Wrigley introduce the new research project at the University Westminster that aims to collate...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway is a growing database of infpormation on over 1,000 audio and video websites relating to all academic disciplines. Here are some of the latest updates to the site, which can be...