Sourcing Media Resources

Presented by: Linda Kaye and Sergio Angelini

Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015 – Book your place now

Venue: BUFVC office, 77 Wells Street, London, W1T 3QJ

The course will explore the benefits and value of using moving image and sound in teaching, learning and research. This includes how to find film, TV, audio and news materials in archives and online and assessing the validity and provenance of resources.

By the end of this one-day course participants will:

  • Appreciate the teaching, learning and research potential of moving image and sound material
  • Develop essential skills for finding and evaluating audio-visual material

This course is suitable for anyone interested in sourcing moving image and sound for educational use including radio and television broadcasts and online materials.

A full programme is coming soon.

Course Fees – Early Bird Discount

Get 20% off our usual price if you book before 30 October – Book your place now

  • Standard rate: £115.92 (inc.VAT)
  • BUFVC member rate: £105.84 (inc.VAT)
  • BUFVC Premier member rate: £95.76 (inc.VAT)

Please note: Course fees are per person and include a sandwich lunch and refreshments.

This course is complemented by the Can I do this? Copyright, Licensing and Best Practice course held the following day (Thursday 10th December).

A 20% discount is available if you book both courses.

Should you have any questions about BUFVC courses, please contact Lucy Witcomb via email.

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