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NoS synopsis: Lord Robens and Mr Dereck Ezra discuss the future of coal in relation to the world’s energy needs.
BFI synopsis: More than half of the energy consumed by the nation comes from Britain’s coal mines - and all of it has to be moved.
COI synopsis: This edition deals with atomic energy, from the first splitting of the atom to the nuclear power stations of today. It features: the opening of Bradwell and Berkeley atomic power stations by...
NCB synopsis: Examines the growing need to conserve fossil fuels for tranport and chemical feedstocks, and the increasing use of nuclear energy. Intended for general audiences BFI Library Summary - If we...
BFI synopsis: delegates from Western European countries meet for the Paris International Energy Exhibition. NCB Commentary - No, it isn’t Blackpool! This year the Eiffel Tower is 75-years old. From the...
NCB synopsis: An examination of how Britain’s way of life has been affected by the patterns of energy supply over the past thirty years. The film makes a forecast of the future.
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: Calder Hall was the first full-scale nuclear power station in the world and in its design and construction Babcock had an important part. Now the Company is playing an even...
BFI synopsis: Making radio-isotopes and their uses in industry, research and medicine; work at Argonne the first power producing atomic pile; security of atomic information.
NCB synopsis: Considers the importance of energy conservation and looks at the work of Bradford’s Energy Conservation Engineer, the first to be appointed by a local authority.
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