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Illustrate fundamentals of physics using interactive computer models and computer animations. Covers: the music of the spheres; conservation of energy; Newtonan gravity; electromagnetism; atomic theory;...
Presents a simple analysis of the process of stellation and includes computer-generated animations of all possible stellations of the regular polyhedra, including the 59 stellations of the icosahedron as...
CD-ROM based teaching resource looking at the interplay between mathematics and the visual arts. Modules cover spiritual geometry, magic squares, perspective, knots and links, the Divine Proportion, ‘The...
Presents animated images of every three-dimensional uniform polyhedron. Begins with the five perfect, or Platonic solids, and goes on to show the four stellated polyhedra, then the 64 other regular solids...
CD-ROM resource exploring fundamental questions of science using interactive models and animations. Modules include topology; labyrinths and knots; cosmic geometry; complexity and cellular automata; life;...
Using the special facilities provided by television, illustrates what is meant by parallax and how it may be applied to measurements in the optics laboratory. Shows the use of the technique to locate the...
CD-ROM programmes containing a wide range of interactive animated physics simulations and models. With audio commentary and step-by-step controls for individual learning.
This CD-ROM explores the history and scientific applications of geometry. Topics include Plato’s Geometrical Alchemy, Kepler’s Universe, Polyhedra and the Natural World and Buckminsterfullerine. The text...
This CD-ROM continues the theme of TESSALATIONS AND POLYHEDRA (POLYTOPIA I) to space-filling arrangements of polyhedra and the 4D equivalents of the Platonic Solids. Topics include Face Centred Cubic and...
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