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  1. Kenya: The Final Frontier? (1996 Multimedia)

    Development studies

    Explores the life of Masai pastoralists in Kenya, illustrating lifestyle, effects of colonisation on the Maasai, change and development, links between international debt and environmental damage in pastoral...

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  2. Diploma Disease, The: An Argument with Pictures (1982 Video)

    Development studies; Education
    Sale (Univ Sussex), Videocassette. VHS. col. 42 min.

    The growth of bureaucracy in large organisations dominates modern economies throughout the world. The only way to get jobs is through educational credentials so gaining credentials comes to be the primary...

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  3. Africa, Our Own Story (1994 Video)

    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 25 min., 1996 sale: £7.99 (inc. VAT +p&p)

    An African perspective on the reasons why people in Africa still face a food crisis nine years after the Ethiopian famine started to dominate headlines. Looks at long-term solutions for the continent’s...

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  4. Developing Stories 1: Seeds of Plenty, Seeds of Sorrow (1992 Video)

    Manjira Datta
    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 52 min., 1999 sale: £30.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) (UK education)

    Explores what influence the 1960s green revolution has had on the social structures and ecologies of the developing world.

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  5. Man-Made Famine (1986 Video)

    Agriculture; Development studies
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 55 min.

    Argues that neglect of women farmers is a major reason for famine in Africa. Three quarters of Africa’s food is grown by women, but most of Africa’s land is owned by men, and most agricultural investment...

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  6. Images and Reality (2001)

    Development studies; Education; Media studies
    Sale, VHS (PAL, 30 minutes), £17.50

    A video-based training pack highlighting how TV news footage can be used to encourage students to learn about the developing world, using the floods in Mozambique as a case study. Designed as a teaching...

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  7. Amazon, The: A Living Forest (1996 Video)

    Development studies; Geography
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 58 min., 2001 sale: £21.00 (inc VAT +p&p)

    Looks at the importance of the Amazon region in Brazil and what development means for the region. The four section of the video focus on: the forest - the eco-system of the Amazon; human occupation; the...

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  8. Practical Guide to Management Self-Development, A (1990 Video)

    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min., 1998 sale: £120.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Introduces management self-development - learning through personal experience and managing one’s own learning. Managers identify areas in which they need development and carry out a variety of exercises to...

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  9. Eec, The: Development, Structure and Processes (1986 Audio)

    Economics; Politics & government
    Sale, Audiocassette. 45 min.

    Five short lectures on the development, structure and processes of the European Community. Explains how the oddities and inconsistencies of the Community have developed and how they fit together today....

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  10. After eight Sunday (1980)


    Mike Hopwood presents this edition of After Eight Sunday about the ethics of the use of money, weapons, technology and communications in the modern world from a Christian viewpoint. Includes studio...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
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