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  1. Specific and Social Phobias (2015)

    Medical sciences; Mental Health and Counselling
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 22 minutes), £25.00

    This programme looks at some of the avoidant and reactive behaviours surrounding phobias, and the use of exposure therapy, relaxation and medication in the treatment approach are also examined. Through the...

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  2. Fear and loathing (1984)

    A programme about phobias, featuring interviews with phobics and doctors.

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  3. Brave New Classrooms

    18 May 2017, 14:55
    Ben Hodson
    Post Type
    BUFVC Article

    Learning on Screen’s Schools Membership and Support Officer Lincia Daniel explores how teachers are taking advantage of a range of digital resources to make learning fun and effective. The film Wall...

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  4. Talking About Phobias and Obsessions (1986 Video)

    Malcolm J Brown
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 30 min.

    Dr John Alderdice explores phobias and obsessions. Looks at the difference between those that need outside help and those who don’t; at the problems they create and what it is like for the sufferer and the...

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  5. Principles of Anxiety Reduction (1978 Video)

    John Macpherson
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 33 min.

    A psychologist illustrates with two young women the technique of overcoming phobias and repulsions, and the way in which success can be qualified. The particular behaviour studied is a distaste for handling...

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  6. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (1997)

    Medical sciences; Psychology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 29 minutes), £80.00

    The programme consists of edited highlights following the first consultation and treatment of a patient who was greatly troubled by obsessive compulsive disorder. She initially presents with two phobias, of...

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  7. Irrational Behaviour (1995 Video)

    Ian Lilley
    out of distribution, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 30 min., 1997 sale: £20.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Shows how phobias and anxiety disorders arise and how they can be treated. Shows a woman who suffers from a fear of heights, another from a fear of buttons, and victims of agoraphobia and monophobia (a fear...

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  8. Phobia: A Case Study, Volume 2 - I Can’t Go out (2008)

    Medical sciences; Mental Health and Counselling; Psychology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 64 minutes), £80.00

    Many apparently minor or trivial psychiatric symptoms can cause serious and long term misery for the patient and their family. This documentary style programme follows the treatment of a real patient, with...

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  9. Phobia: The Hidden Disorder (1978 Film)

    Tom Huish
    Psychiatry; Psychology
    Film (16mm)

    Interviews with phobic patients. Enactments of desensitisation and flooding techniques are shown to illustrate typical problems.

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  10. Helping Yourself to Cope with Panic (1995 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 55 min., 2000 sale: £19.90 (+VAT +p&p)

    A self-help guide for understanding the causes of panic and related problems, showing simple but effective techniques to help over come panic attacks and anxiety problems and introducing progressive relaxation.

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