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  1. Introduction to Computer-Based Training, An (1985 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col.

    A 20-hour video-based self-study course introducing computer-based training, and giving students enough knowledge and experience to make valid decisions about whether CBT is appropriate to their training...

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  2. It in Bank Training (1988 Video)

    John Stratford
    Information technology
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    All the high-street banks are using modern technology in their training programmes. Concentrates on the training systems used by National Westminster and Lloyds Bank. Nat West relies heavily on...

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  3. Using Computer Networks: The Basics (1995 Video)

    Information technology
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 15 min., 2000 sale: £15.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Looks at what computer networks are, what they can do, how they work, and why one should want to learn how to use computers and computer networks. Covers in a non-technical basic network facilities,...

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  4. Data Protection and You (1995 Video)

    Business studies; Information technology
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 19 min., 1997 sale: £495.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    A video-based training package looking at the collection and use of personal data by organisations. Demonstrates in an entertaining manner why staff need to take data protection seriously and shows how...

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  5. Minor Surgery and Skin Lesions (1998 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences

    A CD-ROM-based resource for training in the diagnosis and management of skin lesions. Includes among it 450 separate subject areas 96 computer animations, 323clinical images, 140 dermatology slides, 181...

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  6. Managing Teacher Absence (1999 Multimedia, Video)


    A video- and computer-based resource pack designed to provide schools with a system for managing absence and the interview skills training, for governors, headteachers and senior teachers, essential for an...

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  7. Jing Videos (2011)

    Russell Stannard
    Education; Information technology

    A range of short videos on how to use the free JING software and its applications in teaching. JING is a screen capture tool that allows you to make a narrated video showing how to do something on a...

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  8. Get to Know It: It in Education (1982 Video)

    John Pitt
    Maureen Cornwall
    Education; Information technology
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 27 min.

    An overview of the use of the computer in primary and secondary schools, in training schemes for unemployed school leavers, in communication by the disabled, in distance learning for Open University students...

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  9. Working with Windows 95 (1996 Video)

    David Saunders
    Information technology
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 106 min.

    Training for beginners to the Microsoft Windows 95 environment, explainging how to get started with a new computer. The six bands cover connecting the hardware, Windows 95, installing the CD-ROM, Microsoft...

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  10. Technology in Teaching and Learning: A Guide for Academics (1996 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 17 min., 1996 sale: £35.00 (inclusive)

    A video-based training package to help academics prepare for the changes that are already happening in higher education, to consider the opportunities presented by new techniques and technologies and to help...

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