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Current Affairs Television: Then and Now conference 21 January 2013 University of Liverpool Full list of speakers and updated schedule now available In 2012, television current affairs uncovered...
There is very little material on early sound newsreels and even less on this period of David Lean's career. Kevin Brownlow's book provides the most detail, the rest are glimpses and context. BUFVC pdf on...
One of BUFVC's current Arts and Humanities Research Council projects, together with the University of Portsmouth, is Channel 4 and British Film Culture. Over the next four years this will examine the...
The conference brought together media historians and key personnel from the film and television industries to review Channel 4′s contribution to British film culture over three decades, and to debate the...
In the late 1920s David Lean started out as a tea boy/runner at Gaumont's studios at Lime Grove, Shepherd's Bush. After a variety of jobs he finally helped to cut an early sound feature film directed by...
The web version of the BUFVC's Viewfinder magazine launched today at: bufvc.ac.uk/viewfinder. Viewfinder Online includes new articles and reviews as well as web versions of items published in the printed...
January 1930 Bi-weekly longer 'super edition' released alongside 'ordinary' edition. Required an expansion of the editorial team and likely that Lean joined now ...
Iranian Cinema: A Political History by Hamid Reza Sadr (I.B. Tauris, September 2006), 320 pages, ISBN: 101845111478 (paperback) £16.99; ISBN 978-1845111465 (hardback) £45.00 About the reviewer: Dr...
Between 1910 and 1979 the newsreels, released twice a week in British cinemas, gave millions their picture of national and world events. They have now preserved an invaluable record of life and news in the...
If.... 2014. GB. Blu-ray (Eureka / Mastes of Cinema); DVD (Paramount Home Cinema). 107 minutes + extras. £15.99 About the reviewer: Michael Open was Director of the Queen’s Film Theatre in Belfast from...