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  1. Control of Body Fluid Volume (1977 Audio)

    Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Audiocassette. 60 min.

    Control of fluid and sodium content, three fluid compartments, blood volume controlled, types of sensor. The kidney as an effector, automatic intrarenal control of concentrations of plasma proteins and red...

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  2. Physiology of the Arterial and Venous Systems (2 Parts) (1978 Audio)

    Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Audiocassette. 2 x 60 min.

    1: The pressure of a column of blood, Bernouilli’s principle, Poiseuille’s Law, Reynold’s number, Laplace’s law, arteries, vascoconstriction and vasodilation, triple response. 2: Veins - the venous...

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  3. Thermoregulation (1976 Audio)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Audiocassette. 60 min.

    Core and shell temperature, normal range and cyclical variation of core temperature, feedback control system, heat balance, skin blood flow, heat production, control actions for heat loss, temperature...

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  4. Level 3 Animal Biology (2014)

    Biology; Veterinary science
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL), £70.80

    In this session learners dissect the lower leg of a horse. Working in small groups, the aim is to safely dissect the limb, and identify select structures. At the end of the lesson, learning is reviewed...

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  5. Blood Groups (2 Parts) (1973 Audio)

    Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, 2 audiocassettes. 120 min.

    Part 1: Antigen/antibody reactions, blood groups systems, secretion of blood group antigens in saliva, chemistry of blood group antigens, universal donor and universal recipient. Part 2: Sub groups of group...

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  6. Thyroid, The (1977 Audio)

    Medical sciences
    REFERENCE ONLY, Audiocassette. 60 min.

    Synthesis of thyroglobulin, synthesis and nature of the thyroid hormones, control of the thyroid gland. Distribution, metabolism, latency and metabolic potency of the thyroid hormones with particular...

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  7. Aim Higher - What’s It All About? (2007)


    University is no longer just for people from wealthy families, as more students now progress to higher education with help from the Aimhigher initiative. Aimhigher provides a range of activities to help...

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  8. Life Cycle of the Tsetse Fly, The (1987)

    Douglas Fisher

    Several of the 22 species of testse found in central Africa carry the trypanosome parasites that cause African sleeping sickness in man and ngana in cattle and other domestic animals. The video presents the...

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  9. Germ-Free Life (1988 Video)

    Biology; Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 10 min.

    The foetus ‘in utero’ is biologically sterile, yet almost from the moment of birth the organism begins to develop a highly complex intestinal bacterial flora essential for the maintenance of independent...

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  10. Professional Doctorate Video, The

    Sale, DVD (Region 0 PAL), On request

    This resource presents the stories of several doctoral researchers. The featured examples include a teacher researching how to make school more inclusive for disadvantaged pupils, a water engineer trying to...

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421-430 of 444 results | Page 43 of 45
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