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Black London’s Film Heritage invites submissions from any organisation or individual holding film material which depicts an African-Caribbean presence in London. To be considered for inclusion in this...
This one-day conference to be held in Trinity House, De Montfort University, Leicester, 19 February 2014, seeks to examine the phenomenal success of theatrical adaptations of cinema, such as such as Dirty...
Some of the latest article, reviews and news published at Viewfinder Online include: Peter M. Lewis, Senior Lecturer in Community Media at London Metropolitan University, looks at Tom Stoppards radio...
The British Film Institute launched its popular series of compact 'BFI Classics' guides devoted to seminal films twenty years ago. The BFI Film Classics range is a series of expertly written and well...
CINESONIKA 3: The Third International Film and Video Festival of Sound Design - Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland, February 2013 Call for submissions: Deadline: Nov. 15th 2012 €15 entry fee...
The British Film Institute launched its popular series of compact 'BFI Film Classics' books twenty years ago. BFI Film Classics is a series of finely written, illustrated books which honour landmark films...
Colour Films in Britain: The Negotiation of Innovation, 1900-55 By Sarah Street, with a Technical Appendix by Simon Brown (BFI/Palgrave Macmillan, 26 October 2012), 320 pages. ISBN: 978-1844573134...
Sonic Persuasion, Reading Sound in the Recorded Age by Greg Goodale (University of Illinois Press, 2011). 208 pages. ISBN: 978-0252036040 (hardback). £56. ISBN: 978-0252077951 (paperback). £17.99 About...
Viewfinder 90 was published in March 2013. Contents of this issue: MENTAL HEALTH TV Mental Health TV is a resource producing educational programmes for students, junior doctors, health workers and the...